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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Just picked it up at Target today (why the Sunday release date?). I had to ask someone for it, who then realized that it was supposed to come out today and started stocking them. Aside from the Pearl Jam cover, the artwork for the last three albums has been horrible.
  2. Revolver in mono is a revelation. It's hard to believe that the best album of all-time could get better.
  3. And here I thought there might be room for rational discussion. You have completely missed the point. Limbaugh wasn't on some "rant" or turning it into a racial incident. He was saying that because of the environment that now exists as a result of Obama's election and the knee-jerk reaction by most on the left to make anything and everything about race, then that is how incidents such as these should be viewed. That "obviously" since a bunch of black kids beat up a white kid, it "had" to be because of race. I used to like Sullivan, until he endorsed Obama. Anyone who lines up behind so
  4. I know everyone is supposed to hate Limbaugh. The times I listen to him, I agree with what he says sometimes and I disagree sometimes. Same with most people I read or listen to. But Sullivan either has an axe to grind here or is just barking up the wrong tree armed with hyperbole. I went back and read the transcript of this soundbite and the discussion that follows it. Limbaugh's main point is that everything now (criticism, violence, protests, etc.) is deemed to be steered by race or racism. And that the election of Obama has done more to foster this kind of environment than eliminate
  5. new Flaming Lips...streaming on Colbert's website
  6. I just ripped my buddy's mono set using Apple Lossless. It's definitely worth it. I want to say it was around 2.5 GB, but I don't remember. I'm just glad I'm finally able to listen to these. Just finished Please Please Me. Sounds excellent.
  7. Young surprises McNair's sons I'll always love VY
  8. Not to quibble in this thread, but it wasn't subversive at all. Unless a child growing up is subversive.
  9. Man I absolutely loved "The Marvelous Toy." I would play that over and over again.
  10. Sad news. I remember watching Peter, Paul, and Mary in concert on PBS every now and then when I was a kid. Always enjoyed it.
  11. He has a much better chance than Urlacher. He'll be an interesting case, but I think he would eventually get in.
  12. I have less of a problem with a VP being on a show and I don't remember Bush being on any of these shows or having nearly as many television appearances. I've tried to block a lot of the Bush presidency out of my mind, though.
  13. You don't need a long career, as long as you're a once-in-a-lifetime type player, that's why I think the comparison holds no weight. I would be surprised if anyone would try to make that case with Urlacher. It's why Terrell Davis will never see the Hall.
  14. Unfortunately these people only exist in my life because I failed to ask them this important question at the outset.
  15. I almost thought twice about including the sacks comment because I knew it would get blown out of proportion. My point is that if he had huge sack numbers in his relatively short career, that would definitely help him. But in no way do I think his sack numbers have any negative affect on his candidacy. And are you really comparing Brian Urlacher to Jim Brown and Gale Sayers? For a middle linebacker to get in, he has to be a transcendent player or the leader of a transcendent defense (Singletary and Harry Carson serve as the best examples here). He has been neither. He's a very good pla
  16. No way. He's played 8.5 seasons for a team that has not been that great (3 playoff appearances in his tenure). One Defensive Player of the Year Award at this point. If he had huge sack totals, that would be one thing (which you don't need to get in, but he would over a short career if it ended today), but I think he needs to put together another 3-4 really good years before he'll get serious consideration. And I don't think he'll be able to. There are 19 linebackers in the Hall of Fame. He is not in the top 20 of all time.
  17. I like Urlacher as a player...but unless he has 3-4 great years after this one, there is no way he is getting in the hall of fame. Much less on the first ballot.
  18. This is what bothers me the most, I think. We elect a president in this country to execute the laws. We don't elect a president in this country to go on television every chance he gets to try to convince us we want something that we don't want.
  19. Here it is a week later and the Beatles remasters are still not here. For me anyway.
  20. It depends. Obviously, for people active in this thread, it would be impossible to find an obscure Beatles song. But if I mention any of the ones on my list (or others mentioned) to a casual fan who just owns Beatles 1, I get nothing but blank stares.
  21. Am I the only one who finds it strange that our current president is going on a late night talk show? Does he know how to do anything other than "campaign"?
  22. What You're Doing Rain Yes It Is Don't Bother Me Baby's In Black Things We Said Today Long, Long, Long Dig a Pony Old Brown Shoe That's about as obscure as I can think of. Do any of those count?
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