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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Finally got my hands on this album. Definitely worth the wait! I might actually like it more than Roots and Crowns. Is any band making better music than Califone right now?
  2. For me, it's some combination of: Beck Uncle Tupelo Wilco Radiohead Pearl Jam Pavement My Bloody Valentine (one album does count, in my book) Counting Crows U2 (I think their 90s stuff is their strongest) I would have to say that Beck is probably the most important 90s artist for me. Before I discovered him, I was lost in an abyss of slick country-pop. Beck pretty much opened the door to musical discovery for me.
  3. There have been posters put up in the Wilco store for each show they have played...except for the Memphis one. My guess is that there wasn't one, but I would check the store periodically just to be sure.
  4. I wouldn't want to be at a show where they didn't play Handshake Drugs, IATTBYH, and A Shot in the Arm. I guess everything depends on what you define intensity as. Jeff breaking guitars, screaming at fans, diving off the stage, etc., is not for me. I don't pay to see a show where the band becomes unhinged all in the name of being "intense." I would rather this intensity be directed inward towards the songs themselves, and each show I've been to over a five-year period has gotten better and better at this.
  5. I don't see how you can fault any lead singer for how they are on stage. Especially since, in Craig's case, I don't get the feeling that it is anything but genuine. Relax and enjoy the show.
  6. I'm not sure what about anything I stated in my post makes it seem like I think sounding more like the record is better. Is that the only reason you go to concerts? Just Wilco concerts or all bands? I go to enjoy a band in a live setting and all that goes with that. Sometimes different arrangements of songs are great, but my experience has been that most of these fail more than they succeed. Besides, I think Nels has added a new dimension to a lot of the older songs with what he brings with his style, the lap steel, etc.
  7. Henne made some great throws last night, though. Especially on that last drive. The 3rd-down out against the blitz. The 3rd-and-10 completion to Camarillo to get them inside the 5. A quarterback doesn't go 20-26 by accident. They do need to address the defense, though. More than a receiver.
  8. The first time I heard Separation Sunday, I was hooked hard and have been ever since, so that's the album I always recommend to people to start with. Their live show is great...first time I saw them they brought the audience up on stage for "Killer Parties" and everyone was jumping, dancing spraying free beer that Tad bought before the song. I didn't see anyone with cute hats or scarves, though. Then again, I never see any of these trendy things down here. Great band, great songwriter, great lyrics, and his vocal style has never bothered me. In fact, I think it fits perfectly with the s
  9. Damn, that was one of the best football games I've seen in a long time. The Dolphins are fun as hell to watch.
  10. Maybe Wilco should bring Larry David along to their shows to enforce all of the unwritten rules of society.
  11. Alton Brown has a new book coming out and here is a nice interview with him on AV Club. If I were making a best television shows of the decade list, Good Eats would easily be in my top ten. My favorite part:
  12. A change just to change things up isn't a good thing, though. The only dud of the night Friday was Cars Can't Escape.
  13. After thoroughly enjoying the show Friday night in Dallas, I'm not sure what all the hand-wringing is all about. After having seen Impossible Germany and Hate it Here countless times before, the treatment and playing on these two songs were more intense and better than anything I had previously heard from them. The new songs keep getting better and better live (although I still want to desperately see Deeper Down), and the older stuff sounds better or has new wrinkles thrown in. The Hoodoo Voodoo dueling guitars is practically a necessary concert staple it's so good. Not to mention the f
  14. A music lover not liking The Beatles to me is like a wine lover not enjoying a Petrus, or a food connoisseur not liking foie gras, or a movie aficionado not liking The Godfather. None of these things have to be your favorite, but there are some things that are unassailable.
  15. I have to admit (and maybe this is some sort of character flaw), but I find it an impossibility to wrap my head around the very notion of not liking The Beatles. It's one of the very few things that I just can't understand.
  16. It is the only song on the album to get a co-writing credit (Tweedy/Sansone).
  17. I have come to the conclusion that "Deeper Down" is the best thing that this version of Wilco has recorded.
  18. Two of the best bands of the past decade and a lot of people's favorites on this board. I don't think it has much to do with a comparison of their sound as much as a comparison of their career arcs and how they relate.
  19. For some reason, Lucero has never clicked with me...but this album is pretty damn good.
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