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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Was that the one that compared his live performances on The Tonight Show with The Strokes and solo? Weird review.
  2. I don't think there is any voice that I dislike. Edit: Shonna Tucker. There, the exception that proves the rule.
  3. I'm really surprised at the number of people who don't like the Billy Bragg stuff on the Mermaid discs. That's some good stuff. Walt Whitman's Niece, Way Over Yonder in the Minor Key, Ingrid Bergman, Eisler on the Go, Hot Rod Hotel, All You Fascists, etc. Great songs.
  4. No, you're right. The biggest problem is that these factions are moving the wrong ways. In the Republican Party, especially. The moral wing keeps moving further right and the economic wing keeps moving further to the left. Leaving someone like me wondering what in the hell to do.
  5. I do. The problem lies in finding a proper constitutional argument, of which there is really only a very narrow one based on the Equal Protection clause. That's a hard argument to make to strict constructionists. It's not about what they believe to be right.
  6. "snobby entries that are snobbish"
  7. I guess I apologize for being more optimistic about an eventual majority. And unless there is some drastic change in the makeup of the Supreme Court, I don't see it happening that way any time soon.
  8. You really don't think attitudes are changing, albeit slowly? I think Sullivan said the same thing in the post Good Old Neon kicked this thread off with.
  9. Because I don't think a Constitutional amendment would ever pass. Plus, since the right of marriage isn't granted in the Constitution, I don't think one should pass. And, the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment should be enough on the grounds that GLBT persons aren't afforded the same rights that come with a heterosexual marriage. Plus, I think the tide is definitely turning with respect to people's attitudes towards this issue that majorities are just around the corner. I don't argue that they aren't a suspect class. I point out that they have never been designated as such, an
  10. Well, the bigger problem is that civil unions right now aren't even equal to marriages, which is the main crux of the debate. My point above, which probably wasn't worded that well, was kind of predicated on the assumption that the rights afforded to civil unions would be the same as marriages. In other words, the absolutely only thing different was the name. That's where I think a more effective constitutional argument can be made...to make civil unions exactly equal. But until homosexuals are recognized as a suspect class (which I'm not sure how far away from that we are), I just think t
  11. I support marriages for all. I'll have to look for that picture when I get home.
  12. A civil union or a marriage wouldn't matter to me. Call it whatever you want. Personally, I would call them all marriages.
  13. I think it's probably an equal protection issue in states that do not allow gay marriage or civil unions. So I can see the constitutional argument more on the civil union side of things.
  14. Which is why we needed the amendment. Suffrage was in the Constitution and it became necessary to change it to prohibit states from denying the right.
  15. First, a right to marriage does not exist in the Constitution. Second, do you believe there should be a Constitutional amendment that defines marriage? Third, I can't answer any of your questions because your marriage or anyone else's doesn't affect anything. If Texas puts anything on the ballot about gay marriage, I oppose it (since it is usually about denying this right).
  16. And then a majority of those individuals vote on what it means in their state. As Sullivan stated though, these majorities are dwindling every day. I lament the fact that it remains a hot button issue and a slow reversal of opinion, too. But that's how social change works. And how it should work, IMO.
  17. Then why can't it mean "between a man and a woman" to some people?
  18. I can't ever see the cover of Safe as Milk without immediately thinking of High Fidelity. And Phases and Stages might be my favorite country album of all-time.
  19. Here's a nice story out of the SEC: There are more good athletes and good people than bad. It's too bad that we focus too much on the negative all the time.
  20. I'll take Loose Fur over Born Again in the USA any day.
  21. You and me both. She's always worth the price of admission.
  22. That's a creepy picture. Where do you find these things?
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