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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Monday mornings, it's SI.com to read Peter King and Stewart Mandel. Those are really the only things I look forward to visiting. The list of sites I regularly frequent is quite lengthy: here pitchfork av club ew.com cnet burnt orange nation (very informative Longhorn blog) those are the main ones.
  2. I made the same connotation when I was a kid. It helps when Rocky IV is your favorite movie as an 8-year-old.
  3. I've been getting some good quotes online. It's definitely the pain-free way to do this. We got lucky on selling our car. In fact, we had people lining up to buy it.
  4. There is plenty of competition. I've already called 5 or 6 different places. We had to go to this one dealer first because they were the only ones with a 2009 model that qualified for a better rebate (without knowing it was a demo model...no wonder they still had it). I'm also looking into the GMC Acadia, which is the same car as the Traverse but the options might work out better.
  5. I think God will save us. He has a plan, you know.
  6. I've had the same experience with "no haggle" places. I was fully prepared the other day and I received versions of the following statements (from carbuyingtips.com): "You're stealing food from my baby's mouth" "Everybody pays this fee" "We're losing our shirt on this deal" "The web sites you got the prices from are wrong." "This car won't be here tomorrow"
  7. I learned with an early car that a sun roof in Texas is a bad idea. There's only a couple of weeks out of the year where it isn't too hot or too cold to use it.
  8. Our previous three cars have all been Nissans and I had similar experiences with both dealers. I'm starting to wonder if it is a foreign v. domestic thing. Although I have heard bad things about Mitsubishi dealers. Edit: The only reason we aren't getting a Nissan this time is because we need something bigger. The Murano isn't big enough, the Pathfinder is small and not fuel efficient, and the Armada is too expensive.
  9. Is there a way of figuring that out, or do you just have to ask?
  10. Is anyone here a car salesman (or woman)? I had a terrible experience at a Chevy dealership here in Fort Worth. Although, that was my first bad one after three good ones. Is it dealer-specific? Make-specific? Any other horror stories out there? Long story short, he wanted to sell me a year-old demo with over 5000 miles on it for full price, and was being a jerk about it. Is this a GM thing due to the bailout? It's also the first time I've dealt with a domestic auto company.
  11. Vince!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I would use disposable diapers regardless. Much more convenient.
  13. That's it. Someone told me about it the other day, but I still haven't made it out there yet. Thanks, Crow.
  14. I know it's fun to try to engage in "gotcha" internet postings, but we're really talking about a couple of different things. There are different ways to try to improve health insurance in this country. I don't think a government plan is one of them. Especially when we are talking the sheer amount of tax dollars it is going to take. How is an $800 billion plan saving anybody anything? I thought the whole debate about health care reform has been about making health care more affordable. There hasn't really been any debate. It's pretty much $800 billion plan or bust. Why? On a philosop
  15. Yes. Plus, I find any discussion of "cost" to be highly disingenuous when it comes to this health care bill. Further treatment should only be denied when the patient denies it.
  16. Actually, I think McCain was superior to both Obama and Clinton. Of course, I would have voted for a three-legged La-Z-Boy over either of those two.
  17. No, none here. There might be a record store in Arlington...I can't remember the name of it, though. I'll get it through CDBaby. Keep us up to date on your tourdates. Looking forward to a show.
  18. Finally got around to listening to the samples on the Sonicbids site and thought it was really excellent. I'm a sucker for any use of horns and I definitely hear some Calexico in addition to the other bands mentioned in this thread. I'll definitely be buying this. Is it best to go through CD Baby or do you sell them, too? Keep us up to date on tour dates, I might have to drive out to Dallas for a show.
  19. I can't ever seem to make it all the way through "Cars Can't Escape" without hitting the skip button.
  20. He'll always be one of my favorite football players period.
  21. Wow. Listen to Teatro and Time Out of Mind and call me in the morning.
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