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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. The stadium and setting are unmatched. That's just an amazing place to see a game, and on an unbiased scale, I think it should be at the top. I would rank it second just behind the Texas-OU game at the Cotton Bowl every year due to the atmosphere that annually surrounds that game, but it's close.
  2. I was at the Rose Bowl and got back home late last night. I can say that I have never been prouder to be a Texas fan as I was sitting in the stands and watching that team play and fight back. It was a great performance. Congratulations to Alabama. And I feel so terrible for Colt.
  3. Almost just the opposite for me. I thought this year was great: Merriweather Post Pavilion, The xx, Bitte Orca, Jewellry, The Love Language, A Brief History of Love, It's Frightening...all those would probably make my top 100 list somewhere, if I can ever find the time to put it together. I thought it was an excellent year.
  4. The Danny Balis album is great. I'm not sure how it qualifies for this list, though. Is it because it's an old-school country album?
  5. I love Manning, too. But he also has his detractors. Then again, I don't get the need for hate that a lot of people have.
  6. When you're getting sacked nine times, no quarterback is going to look good. That's something Texas will definitely need to fix to neutralize any pressure from Alabama. I disagree with you on Texas deserving to go to the title game, though. When did an entire season come down to one game? What if the final games of the season came down to Texas destroying Oklahoma State on the road and Alabama needing two blocked field goals to beat Tennessee? Would you then say Alabama didn't deserve its title shot?
  7. That list of Bears quarterbacks is remarkable.
  8. Great article on Brett Favre by Joe Posnanski on SI.com. I've always loved Favre and never understood the backlash, even through all the retirements.
  9. I know Brian Kelly is the hot name. But didn't they just fire an offensive genius of a coach. How does a guy who wins 52-49 in the Big East translate to anything better than what they had under Charlie Weis?
  10. Nice to see Face Control that high. That album has certainly flown under the radar.
  11. Did Shonna just write? Or is she also singing?
  12. Looking over the various Bowl matchups, it looks like there are a lot of intriguing games this year. Bowl season usually bores me, but I'm actually looking forward to a lot of these. And all the BCS matchups are solid.
  13. It's a different time thanks to scholarship limits and television. Now, everybody is on TV, not just Notre Dame. And prestigious programs can't just stockpile talent.
  14. Until it relaxes its academic standards a little, that's the best Notre Dame can hope for.
  15. I don't think he's looking for a head coaching job, nor are any of the rumors about his next destination anything other than an offensive coordinator. I would take him in that role in Dallas in a heartbeat.
  16. Why would you not want to hire Weis. He's a proven commodity as an offensive coordinator.
  17. There are plenty of factors, which all make some sense depending on how much stock you put into each explanation: Traveling costs for teams and fans Missed time from classes (this one rings the most hollow) The rest of the bowls (you think no one cares now about these bowls, wait until there's a long playoff system in place) Adding an extra 2-3 weeks to an already long season There are more, but I'm going off the top of my head. I've gone back and forth on this, but I've come to the conclusion that a plus-one is the best way to go. Think about how it could have worked this year with Ala
  18. It's not going to happen. The best you could probably ever hope for would be some type of Plus-One System.
  19. For college football fans, any of the BCS matchups are intriguing. But for casual fans, that Orange Bowl matchup is the least interesting. At least the Fiesta can sell the fact that it has two undefeated teams. It would have been better had they not faced each other last year in the Poinsettia Bowl, though.
  20. Weren't the Greeks and Romans extremely tolerable of all forms of sexuality?
  21. I hope so. It has definitely been some entertaining reading, except for the 1000-word quotations thrown in here or there, but that just comes with the territory.
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