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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. So insurance paid for $18,000? That's nice. You're right, though. I think everything should be free.
  2. Do you all believe in the bogeyman?
  3. Whoever you would like. The First Amendment also grants freedom of religion in addition to the freedom of speech that was upheld with this ruling.
  4. I recently got an LG BD390 and really like it. You definitely need to go the Blu-ray route. Not sure about Blu-ray recorders, though, and if any standalone players can even do that yet. The 390 is wireless and streams Netflix, Youtube, CinemaNow, and Vudu. You can also set it up as a media hub on your network (or access music, movies, etc., on your network). I haven't played around with those features yet, though.
  5. That's why all the hand-wringing over this is a little perplexing (in addition to being predictable). This is only dealing with independent expenditures of corporations, unions, nonprofits, etc., and has nothing to do with direct contributions (as Poongoogler said). With this decision, anybody and everybody can now spend their own money as they see fit.
  6. You're a little fuzzy on the definition of judicial activism. If a precedent was established through activist decisions, then the overturning of that precedent would be from an originalist point of view. It doesn't become doubly activist.
  7. So upholding the basic tenets of the First Amendment of the Constitution gets you labeled an activist these days. Interesting.
  8. Personally, I think Stay Positive is their weakest, and that's largely due to the overwhelming presence of the keyboards.
  9. i think he was on separation sunday, too.
  10. Was he on Almost Killed Me? I didn't think he was. Unless you're talking live. But to imply that losing a keyboardist is a major blow and that the group can't survive the loss is more blasphemous to me.
  11. Not to pile on...but it certainly isn't the worst news.
  12. I see the Saints and the Colts both winning rather comfortably. They've been the best two teams all year (despite the late season slides), and I don't see anything changing.
  13. Are Being There's sales numbers boosted by the fact that it's a double album? Don't they count one sale as two, essentially?
  14. The Bill Ayers connection was tenuous at best, but it wasn't an outright, blatant lie either. It was worth bringing up. Of course, Palin proved to be a gigantic albatross around McCain's neck and the people in the campaign were not pleased with how she handled the nomination.
  15. The only thing about Fox is no prime time programming at 10 EST. Will it start earlier than the other shows? Can it survive that kind of lead-in?
  16. Don't accuse the McCain campaign of that. Since when do some fringe lunatics of a party begin to speak for the entire party and the campaign of its nominee?
  17. Yeah, because anyone that would vote for Scott Brown is automatically a kook.
  18. It read a lot better than a 7.8, though. I'm picking this up at lunch...can't wait.
  19. Up in the Air is one of the few movies I've seen this year, but it was absolutely incredible. I was hoping that would sweep all the awards it was nominated for. I have a lot of catching up to do on these other movies.
  20. Was that the album art you have always been going with? I thought I remembered a picture of a toy chicken on a toy bicycle. Anyway, I'll be buying this when I get home. Looking forward to hearing it.
  21. I think it speaks more to the interest level the VC community has in college football, which is fairly nonexistent. I've been on Will Muschamp watch for the last two days. It looks like he's staying at Texas, but I won't relax until Tennessee hires someone or I hear something a little more official. All I have are sources stating that current Texas recruits have been contacted and told that he is staying.
  22. A friend of mine who has flown a lot for work is similarly obsessed. Speaking of small planes, I flew a sea plane from Seattle to Victoria last summer. Smoothest landing I've ever experienced.
  23. They overbook everything now. It must be more important to ensure a flight is full and give away a few vouchers than the alternative, I guess. My friend and I booked an LA flight for the Rose Bowl and got bumped to a later flight. We got a $400 voucher and were able to go see a movie nearby before our next flight. Worked out pretty well. Of course, a week before, a connection from Phoenix to DFW was canceled and my wife, daughter, and I had to spend the night in Phoenix. The next morning I sat next to the pilot of what was supposed to be our flight the night before, and he said every ye
  24. The McDonald's coffee suit was legitimate. It always irks me when people use that as their example of "litigation gone awry."
  25. My workplace is small enough that I just walk to someone else's office if I have a question or need something. I only use IM for chats with friends or family that I don't work with. Google Chat is a great way to have a quick conversation with my wife, rather than us both being on the phone at our respective offices. Same goes for friends who work or live out of town. Email works for this, too, but chat allows for immediate conversations.
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