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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. I count four grammatical mistakes. Was grammar irrelevant?
  2. Thanks. A friend of mine went and said they had gallons of milk for less than $2. Which would be nice, but we give our daughter organic milk. I'll probably just have to go and see everything they have.
  3. A bunch of these just opened up in the DFW area. Does anyone here shop at one of these stores? I've heard about the low prices, rented shopping carts, price for shopping bags, etc., but I was wondering if it was worth it. Is the quality of the food good? Do they have organic foods?
  4. Good song. If that marks the new difference, I'm looking forward to it.
  5. After hearing two songs, I am now ready to declare this may very well be the greatest album of all-time.
  6. Well, I forgot to call my eye doctor today to set up an appointment, so I still don't know when I'm going to see her. Friggin' Obamacare!
  7. It's funny to me how you argue against polls with your own made-up statistics.
  8. Ok. Republicans didn't like the bill, they passed some amendments to try to make it better, but in the end, it still wasn't a good bill, so they voted no. Everyone can try to spin that whatever way they want. The "Party of 'No'" crap is pretty ridiculous, too. The latest Rasmussen poll from the weekend showed the country opposed to the health care proposal 54% to 41%. And those numbers remained pretty steady for the last 7 months. Sounds like the Party of the People to me.
  9. If you stuck a chocolate chip on a huge turd, would you still want it?
  10. As a Rangers fan, all I can say is, "who cares?" So the manager snorted cocaine. There are plenty worse things in this world than recreational drug use. Plus, he handled it the best way he could have.
  11. Bought it and listened to it today, finally. First impressions...I love it! Their best for me since The Dirty South. Not a bad song in the bunch and a lot of early standouts. Not sure why people are down on The Flying Wallendas. The Shonna songs are great this time around, too
  12. The only thing I find really objectionable about the Texas textbook stuff is the reduction of TJ's importance. That's pretty ridiculous and makes absolutely no sense. A lot of Jefferson's political principles are things that conservatives are supposed to believe. But we get this certain faction with religious myopia that hold that above everything else.
  13. Why is that surprising? Pitchfork has given good reviews to every single one of their albums.
  14. Ok. I think Alligator holds together album-wise much better. It runs through every range of emotion while maintaining the same intense vibe throughout with rocking anthems and contemplative slow-burners. Boxer feels a little monotonous in comparison. Plus, there isn't a mediocre song to be found on Alligator. Every single one ranks up there with their best. I think it's a masterpiece and one of my favorite albums of all time. To each their own, I guess.
  15. Yeah, Cougar Town has really turned into a great show after a shaky start. That Wednesday night hour of Modern Family (the best comedy on television) and Cougar Town is excellent.
  16. It's just always seemed like a strange way to describe how a band sounds.
  17. They already topped Boxer...with Alligator.
  18. cougar town, how i met your mother, 30 rock, and community, too (although, i don't watch rules of engagement)
  19. Yeah, me neither. I've been hoping that it would eventually show up one of these times. I'm curious to know what it is.
  20. Since I'm merely a rube, let me stress that I understand your points about the film and the adaptation and the book, etc. As far as true stories on film go, I've never understood why facts or situations are changed in the cases where there is no need. Michael Oher's and the Tuohy's story is certainly one worth telling and one that doesn't need any embellishments. I can't comment on any racist overtones in the film since I haven't seen it, but I do know that Precious faced its fair share of racism claims, too. But, while I see the points you are making, I just happen to disagree with yo
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