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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Couldn't disagree more in both cases, but we've been through this all before.
  2. Winning one medal is a pretty great showing for any athlete. The "gold-or-bust" mentality that a lot of fans and viewers have really bothers me. Look at how Erin Pac celebrated her bronze in the bobsled. Hell, look at how excited the two U.S. women skaters were to be sitting in fifth and sixth after skating personal best programs on the grandest stage. You think Joannie Rochette is upset about being in third right now? Unless you win four gold medals, some people view it as a disappointment, and that's a shame.
  3. With The National a week later. Unbelievable. Three of my favorite 5-6 bands releasing new albums within a week.
  4. No kidding. The weird thing to me, though, is how he was left alone with all of these children. I know when we take my daughter to the doctor, we're always with her through everything. And it was always that way when I was a child, too.
  5. I love figure skating, too. Great performances tonight. And that seems correct to me.
  6. Obviously there's probably more back story than I'm aware of, but I see this all as a guy being offered his job back that he never wanted to leave in the first place. Congrats to Leno.
  7. Really, though...who gives a shit? They all take degrees of skill and athleticism, and the Olympics showcase the best in the world on a grand stage.
  8. Well, the IRS has its own huge facility on I-35 in Austin. That's not it. I guess they could have satellite offices out there possibly.
  9. Great night tonight. I'm moved with each emotional interview and medals ceremony...I can only imagine the emotions that these athletes are experiencing. Lindsey Vonn brought tears to my eyes and Shaun White was just absolutely incredible.
  10. I don't see it as a contradiction at all, nor as undemocratic. Term limits would have to be implemented through a Constitutional Amendment. It would be a limit imposed on the government by the people (if it passed). Nothing undemocratic at all about it. I've heard the arguments against term limits, and they are compelling. I certainly see both sides. I think it's an interesting issue.
  11. Since I'm all for term limits, I welcome any congressman's decision to not seek reelection.
  12. No, I meant the very few on this board and the vocal minority elsewhere. As to your point, I see what you are saying, but I would gnaw my own arm off if Sarah Palin got the Republican nomination. There's no way it's going to happen. At least, I hope not. Her best role is to rally support from these blind followers for whoever does get the nod.
  13. Why people keep trying to defend Sarah Palin is beyond me. Ask anyone behind the scenes on the McCain campaign...she's a moron. These tea party people also crack me up. They're focused on the wrong damn issues. I'm all for political involvement, but all this is doing is fracturing the party instead of coming up with ways and issues to galvanize it.
  14. Definitely sounds interesting. Be sure to keep us posted if you hear more.
  15. I liked Albatross...looking forward to the new album. What is Gayngs like?
  16. They showed nearly all of the final round of the women's moguls...probably around 13-14 of the final 20, including all of those in the top 10. They showed all the main contenders in the luge's first two runs. A lot of these events are probably going on around the same time. Tape delay is a necessity, but it doesn't ruin any of the coverage. EDIT: I'd also like to add that I rather enjoy all the "puff pieces." It's nice getting to know these athletes, if only through a five-minute story.
  17. The women's moguls were exciting. And I had forgotten just how exhilarating short track is. My heart was pounding during each race.
  18. I'm pumped. I've always loved the Winter Olympics.
  19. This has been a fun thread. By the way, about six inches of snow here in Fort Worth, with no signs of letting up.
  20. So they vinyl is 30 bucks PLUS 13 bucks for shipping? That's outrageous.
  21. I enjoyed it. I thought it was definitely better than Springsteen or Petty. Petty defined going through the motions. The best ones I can think of are Prince, McCartney, and U2.
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