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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Even after a couple of months, I think it's too early to come to any kind of meaningful opinion on W(TA). It's still in the early impressions stage. I was ready to anoint SBS as their second best after a few weeks, now it's my least favorite Wilco album. I haven't listened to W(TA) in a while, but I've fully digested it and wore it out after it leaked and after it was released. It's a very good album and I think "Deeper Down" ranks right up there with a lot of great Wilco songs. I'll echo the sentiment from some that there isn't a bad song on there. It's a worthy album from a band that
  2. Anytime I feel like I'm still pretty young, I read a post like this that reminds me I'm not that young anymore.
  3. Actually, I think Hicks learned his lesson from those two signings. He and Jon Daniels are both on record as saying that they made a commitment to cultivate the farm system and raise talented players from within. I think this would have been the case regardless of Hicks' money issues.
  4. I was wondering the same thing about Target (I don't go near Walmart). Mainly, if they would have the mono set for sale. I know it's supposed to be limited, but does that mean limited to online? Best Buy, Borders, and Barnes and Noble only? Or will all these stores get some? I'm looking forward to hearing them all in mono.
  5. Yeah, I've started to walk around in a plastic bubble.
  6. After listening to a lot of Califone recently, I definitely see what you mean about wishing their last couple of albums were what Wilco had put out instead of SBS and W(TA).
  7. The only noise you'll hear from me is "great choice." Love that song. By the way, is there a time for the deadline? I know it's tomorrow. End of the day?
  8. Since I lack any training in entomology, any spider that comes within my presence is harmful, threatening, and poisonous. EDIT: Nor arachnology. I figured entomology covered everything.
  9. I don't go out of my way to kill anything, but if I go to give my daughter a bath and there's a spider in the tub, I'll get a wad of tissue and kill it and flush it down the toilet. If I see a roach in the house, I'm not going to attempt to shepherd it out the door, I'm going to get rid of it the easy way.
  10. Pretty meh on all three, although the Jay Reatard album is decent.
  11. The manner in which they broke those kids down was creepy, scary, and mind-boggling.
  12. Sports Illustrated is taking an interesting approach to the private coaches poll ballots.
  13. Gotcha. I haven't been in it yet, but just driving by is impressive enough.
  14. Well, it took me about 15 years to learn how to do it. But the last few years of watching football/playing fantasy have been great with the different approach.
  15. You've got to learn not to watch games for fantasy purposes. You set your lineup(s), pay attention to things during the middle of the week and gauge performances after the games are over. But on Sunday, I strictly watch the games...however my players do is beyond my control, so I don't worry about it. Boooooooooo!
  16. On a Califone kick. Not only does this album still hold up. I think it is even better with age. Can't wait for the new one.
  17. Not to turn this into a complete DBT thread, but I was disappointed the last time I saw them live, too. Add the disappointment for me from their last two albums and they have dropped a few notches on my imaginary "favorite bands" list.
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