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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClQepFF-Sr0
  2. Would have been a good one to have requested for a Living Room show. Then all the musically challenged present (like myself) could have claimed to have accompanied JT on a song :-) Would haev been pretty easy for him to learn too.
  3. I have to say, I hate those jam bands that stretch it out to 7'56' or so with needless noodling.
  4. This years' anti X-Factor campaign. The weekly Radio 1 Top 40 run down would have to play it ... Interesting. Of course, I would prefer it on vinyl compared to that lossy mp3 version Guardian piece
  5. New to me this afternoon. Thought I'd share. Not a bad way to bump into new artists. Was feeling so-so until up popped Dan Mangan - Robots (which I love), so I am sticking with it for a few hours today (until work blocks the site no doubt).
  6. Can watch him sing it live here:- http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/musicblog/2010/oct/28/robert-plant-band-joy
  7. No, I'm the real band member here.
  8. If like me, you like the dark and medieval, then a train 50 miles to Chartres is a great little adventure out into the provincial. Just a wondrous building - the mecca for stained glass lovers. "one of the greatest achievements in the history of architecture" http://www.sacred-destinations.com/france/chartres-cathedral Similarly, if you are all pumped up on travel adrenelin, may not be back in that direction in a hurry, and can blitz Rome in a couple of days (entirely possible for a first visit), then consider a day trip by train to Florence. The station is bang in the centre of town. You
  9. By chance when I sat down on the train last night there was a discarded issue of the Times from Monday that had the second part of their extracts from his autobiography. Not sure how much massaging of Keefs ramblings his 'co-writer' had to do - but I loved the style of the extract anyway. Captured his enthusiasm for the music he loves and with his character coming through whilst being very well written. There again, not sure if the process of forming the extract added another dimension of eloquence. However, loved some great descriptions there of how he still gets swept up on a rollcoaster rid
  10. In The Independent - reference to a Times interview, but The Times has gone subscription only so no idea what goes on there.
  11. A glimpse into the future. Observant readers will note that Pat was forced out of the band. His thatch was just too persistently abundant to fit the new image. He was destined to spend the rest of his reclusive life indoors after developing a terrible aversion to lamp posts and crippling fear of missing manhole covers. This is his last known appearance in public.
  12. Well spotted! First indication of direction the new album will be taking! The tonsure is back indie hipsters!
  13. There is this by the same team and with a similar sense of humour, in which each of them has a small part:- http://www.lovefilm.com/film/Bunny-and-the-Bull/137562/ Can't actually guarantee it as I have not seen it myself yet. Nothing I know of as the Boosh - which may be for the best: leave them wanting more and all that. Noel pops up on TV comedy panel shows and is more of a celeb/Camden socialite - though I find him much less funny on his own: he needs someone to spark off of. Julian has much less of a high profile. Very occasionally bit parts in other stuff. Perhaps he spends all his time w
  14. Can't see YouTube from here, but assuming you are referring to The Mighty Boosh, then I have it on good authority that JT once received a copy of their original radio series on CD (still their best work), and you can see it on the shelves in one of those zoomy gigapan (?) photos on the website, so anything is possible [Howard and Vince have a meeting with a record executive] Vince Noir: You better start getting the magic potions out, Mowgli, or we're gonna hurt you. Naboo: All right, hang on. [he hands them each a glass of yellow liquid] Naboo: This is Liquid Music. Howard Moon: W
  15. Nice. Crowd looked decent after your worries - but then it's a bit hard to tell. Full enough? Here's hoping they go back sometime. They should have a trip to "Little America" today :-)
  16. Back now for those following at home. What you say is a real shame and makes me feel even worse for missing out on it. It's a place I have really been waiting for Wilco to visit. I know the venue - just a few minutes walk from central areas that would be good for 'rock tourists' (hope Bbop is having an extended trip). Central Prague did seem noticably quieter - probably the economic turndown and less people visiting this year. Have they tried targetting the American university for selling tickets? From the Czechs I know and who know Wilco (err, which isn't too many - that's what not having mu
  17. The event that took me away from London last week also meant that I cannot return to Prague as I has wanted next week for Wilco's visit. Bugger. However, stumbling across this at a bus stop was some light relief. I have been visiting Prague since 1986 and this is a first. Rap & burger culture is now in full effect of course, but eastern europe has long been the haunt of bands that you thought had ceased to exist - usually heavy metal e.g. Saxon. This was funny to see. Hope the lads have a few days off at the end of the tour to enjoy this wonderful city.
  18. A wag scribbles the obvious on the damage to the Snappy Snaps shop in Hampstead. On the TV last night and caused the guffaw. Maybe he wants to go to prison: "Woops - have I dropped the soap again? Silly me."
  19. I was unfortunately not in attendance due to circumstances beyond my control and have no idea what this is all about, but found this:-
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