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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. You got that right ... http://flickr.com/photos/maudiemc/sets/721...5417955/?page=3 Never has my gob been so smacked. Thanks!
  2. Shame about that guy with the big head spoiling the other shot
  3. The best soundcheck in the history of soundchecks:- A few hours and some hairspray later:- This guy wasn't bad:- Probably my favourite photo from the weekend (duets are great plus she was a new discovery for me):-
  4. Just an astonishingly great festival (all the headliners and many more great favourite artists of mine) with perfect blue sky weather for an unbelievably enjoyable weekend - except maybe for the shivering bit at 4am Sunday morning. So glad I decided to make the trip AND THAT I HAVE SUCH GREAT WILCO FRIENDS TO HAVE INVITED ME. My highlights:- Friday: Augie March (recommended), T-Bone Burnett with Neko Case, Jeff Tweedy ('nuff said) Saturday: Alison Moorer (Steve Earle got up to sing a duet with his wife too), Nick Lowe, Gillian Welch (and of course the unbelievably modest David Rawlings),
  5. ... one mega burrito and a yoda statue later ... Nope - crowd far too big to attempt that. Very mixed bunch - everything from deadheads to silicon valley yuppies to park bums. All good. If my pictures are good i'll post but that will take a few days. Froggie - Augie March kicked things off and they were great - latest album I like alot. Miss Jayne - thanks: I had been once before some years ago but it's always better with some locals to show you the ropes - though as walking is my thing I've discovered some places that even they don't know about e.g. the magnificent House Of Stools. For all y
  6. 'cos you need to know what Paris H. is up to right? Sickeningly, that has even made lead story on the commercial channel news here. BBC has got sucked in, but less so. The fascination is just as crazy as the Hamas story. Here's one for a Beatles fan: it was 50 years ago today ... http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/factual/wellme..._proginfo.shtml Not sure if US folks can use the 'listen again' feature after this has broadcast on Tuesday. Also, Yoko Ono was on Desert Island discs the other Sunday: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/factual/desert..._20070610.shtml Surprisingly little screeching.
  7. Good decision. After a lovely April, weather has been crap this summer so far. Glasgow airport is back open today. Haven't heard of any extra security being imposed at airports - but check with carriers if any extra time is required for check-in etc. All supposed to be Al-Qaeda's calling card to new PM Gordon Brown. The Diana concert is a high profile event today - fingers crossed for that (though the music looks rubbish apart from Jones The Voice ). Also Wimbledon. Funny that one of the London car bombs had already been towed away from where it had been parked by extra-vigilant parking
  8. Two words: mosh pit I hope that nutter discovered some bruises today he couldn't remember receiving, if you know what I mean. But generally the enthusiasm was great. Bbop's legendary song prediction was in full effect. Also, got to touch the sacred rug. There is now a part of the Loft that is forever Wales. But this also means I can be forensically traced if ever a CSI Chicago starts up. Oh bugger. For once some photos I'm quite happy with, though I was unexpectedly pretty close to JT and consequently it was hard to get pictures of anything else with his big fat arse in the way all th
  9. Only here now because of a nightmare tube journey, but luckily found a train I didn't know existed. Just time for these and then bed. Cheerio.
  10. Thoroughly enjoyed this - though from a relatively long way back as I saw The National do a free event at a record store (also excellent - that Matt Thingy is a nice guy: they were mingling at the bar etc. afterwards). Seeing them tomorrow for hard cash too. But all this did mean that I did not meet up with a couple of VC diehards who I know were around. Shame. Don't know if you've had this in the US/Australia for a while, but the big difference for me compared to a couple of years ago was how much more obviously everyone seemed to be enjoying it. JT was practically beaming most of the time,
  11. Master Po likes the sound of one hand clapping. You are learning well Grasshopper. P.S. Hope you're on the mend now.
  12. Good set of results last night. Hope that continues in Bourgoin. It is your patriotic duty to pin the thread!
  13. Sorry I missed this - been holed up in a barn for a week. Chin Chin
  14. My previous JoJo concert is a fading memory of hilarity and dervish-style dancing. Last night was a comparatively restrained affair (by his standards), but no less enjoyable, as Jonathan gave a generally much more poignant performance. Apart from the obvious attractions of his querky and spontaneous sides, I have always been genuinely moved by the bare emotion of many of his songs. I have to say he was not looking 100% (though when he smiles, the room lights up), and had frequent pauses to pour various combinations of drops and liquids down his neck to try and alleviate the problems with his v
  15. "People of a certain age find it very bewildering." That quote probably applies to me.
  16. Ever hear of Bert Trautmann? Played on in the 1956 Cup Final with a broken neck after being knocked out. The consensus seems to be that it was not a deliberate act by the Reading player. Actually, goalkeepers are over-protected these days. Strikers can't touch them without conceding a foul. I always used to go in feet first when I played in goal - it was up to the striker to get out of the way.
  17. Who says Americans can't do irony! How's the new office?
  18. This puts me in good mood for tonight:- from http://jojofiles.blogspot.com/
  19. After that, I think I will have to check out that Roddy Woomble album. I'm told there are a couple more from Emmylou next week.
  20. Pipe and best slippers prepared. Repeated at some point on Saturday too I believe. Then same again next week.
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