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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. I wouldn't recommend taking anything that size up the Arsenal.
  2. On sale today via Sandbag http://wilcotickets.sandbag.uk.com/Store/DisplayItems.html Zonk! Got mine! Kpoooooww!
  3. “Holy Toledo!” Union Chapel Wed 30th Jun 7:00 pm Jeff Tweedy £22.50 adv + booking fee http://www.unionchapel.org.uk/events.php Great venue - have a soft spot for it since Jonathan Richman visited No other details. Just spotted via some idle venue checking and although I did think twice about not posting until I had bought a ticket (no idea when they might be available), altruism won out (though I might have to resort to violence if I don't get a pew near the front). Nice bit of news on a slow day. I just checked the Wilco tour schedule and it does seem to be stuck on its own - not
  4. Not bad I thought for an intro episode. I had grown tired of the previous Doctor's hyperactive whining and he had become too one-dimensionally 'whacky' for me. This one seems to have more variation - calmer and serious at times. A few nice little jokes - the 'I thought you were a nurse', 'delete your browser history' for the adults etc. Hopefully Moffat, while having to stick with the remit of targetting 12 year olds, will keep enough depth in to keep the adults happy. An episode guide:- http://www.radiotimes.com/blogs/910-doctor-who-steven-moffats-episode-guide/
  5. Listened to the Haiti fund raising London recording last night. At one point JT mantions Queen, Anti-Nowhere League, and Cron Gen. I thought where have I heard the name Cron Gen before? Then I remember I worked with a guy in that band and people here are still in touch with him. He wasn't one of the original members - as a database administrator (I'll leave his anonymity intact) his personality is far from what you'd expect from a punk, so maybe that explains it. The band leader Glynn "Baxter" Barber is his best mate though (but apparently an arse who keeps falling out with each band member
  6. Woooo. The big question is - what is Craig Ferguson doing hosting late night US TV? Last I knew was this:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Xn6nMZ-CAU - which in it's fly on the wall documentary style (though that peters out near the end) pre-empted The Office. Also, in Scots now mostly in the US, this was a funny little series sadly missed:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnReqwF9YAI
  7. American Samoa Andorra Argentina Australia Austria Bahamas, The Barbados Belgium Belize Bosnia and Herzogovina Brazil Bulgaria Canada (Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island) Chile China Costa Rica Croatia Czech Republic Czechoslovakia Denmark Ecuador Egypt Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Guam Guatemala Hungary Iceland Israel Ireland Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kyrgystan Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxemborg Mexico Monaco Morrocco Netherlands New Zealand Norway Peru Poland Portugal Romania Russia San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia
  8. Now that's a nice feel good story. Good luck with all that!
  9. Oh the irony ... U2 building walls in Berlin
  10. Edit - sorry was writing thi sas the other thread was started simultaneously. Please delete. P.S. When I say writing, I mean gazing at pictures of Julie Christie
  11. For starters: Mid September Wilco will be in Dorset, UK. http://www.endoftheroadfestival.com/ http://www.endoftheroadfestival.com/artists/wilco/ Ah, lovely dorset ... On past evidence, maybe there'll be a show in the madding crowd of London too, and no doubt time for a bit of scrumpy and western also.
  12. On one condition - time to pop the question to Emmylou at the Neil Young benefit
  13. ^ Those are really really good (spot the English major?) Seems like a past age On first hearing Mermaid Ave T'was the start for me
  14. Setlist has one word Three guitars in unison Impossible Eh?
  15. Post concert tube ride Bet there is no such hassle On the C T A
  16. Cell high in the air Scribbling setlist and no doubt Counting the nothings
  17. Well heeled comforter That rug has seen some action But not the Fergie kind
  18. Who else can deliver Poetic versions of life In double denim So tight in concert 'Cept one thing to bitch about Missing Nudie suit I T M W L Y How long until band goading Makes Glenn strike the pose? Looking at the Loft Full of junk but to paraphrase Where there's muck there's class
  19. A few days late, but 5 stars from The Independent P.S. Too lazy to go to post in the other thread I started: The result: Wales 12 NZ 19 Still, a few sherbets later and all was well
  20. Ditto Ms. Y. There's an Emmy with your name on it somewhere ...
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