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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. 4 stars in The Times "Formed from the ashes of alt.country act Uncle Tupelo" Bingo!
  2. 5:15 kick off local time. Tune in to your local cable channel of choice earlier for the hymns & Delilah (as in Tom Jones) from the crowd and Welsh National anthem. Beers 7pm 'til late.
  3. Interesting - I did not know this:- http://www.healeyhero.co.uk/rescue/history/butty.htm Other sources indicate that he often employed friends/relatives. So, even though that reference suggests otherwise, i suppose some job was better than none and hence butty became a term of affection among people who knew each other well.
  4. I'd be your butty. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=butty Scroll down a bit - I don't mean sandwich. Special meaning in Wales as, of course, your life could depend on your butties watching out for you down the pit. Shortened to 'but' usually.
  5. 56 years since Wales last won, but the excitement is there every time. This from last year - the always fantastic Haka, and then the most spine tingling minute of sporting theatre I have ever experienced - and no one was actually doing anything. The crowd goes mental. Wales accept the challenge of the Haka Meanwhile back in the Welsh Pot noodle mines ...
  6. I tinkled the porcelain there once, in lieu of the 'Lady Madonna' piano, in the loo.
  7. Shame it's over. Largely nutters on parade. Good stuff. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/arts_and_culture/8306044.stm
  8. How appropriate. Will check next time for signs of wanton vandalism and report any evidence to the appropriate authorities. Zero tolerance policy in effect. Will accept plea bargaining though: in return for the time I accidentally squished a small one at Goblin Valley.
  9. Well, the last time some people made rash statements like that they found me sleeping on their sofa in San Francisco - though they did get an Emmylou boxed set and tip top tarp (tarp - technical term I learnt that weekend) locations at Hardly Strictly in part-payment (the only time I've been grateful to jet-lag). One day, one day ... Hope all is well with you and family. I went to Kew Gardens the other day and thought of you
  10. Thought 'featured' was overstating it a bit in JT's case. Would hardly have noticed it was him, or maybe the ear trumpet is on the blink. Never mind. A step in the right direction --> JT - when are you going to get your arse in gear and do something with Emmylou? At Hardly Strictly a couple of years back you had the perfect chance to hook up you ruddy fool. That lady isn't getting any younger and your voice is sounding much better for some country stylings these days. I propose a re-recording of 'That's All It Took'. Next time I'm in a honky-tonk I will most definitely be unsteadily c
  11. Looks like you have a winner. Have had my annual fix (not the Troxy) and haven't committed to this one yet.
  12. Doesn't he know that the way to whip a crowd into a frenzy in Wales is the traditional rousing cry of "Uggi Uggi Uggi"? Meanwhile What if Freddy Mercury had been a plumber Stick with if - after a couple of minutes I find the little winks and pouts hysterical. But that's just me.
  13. Language please! Also, been thinking that maybe the track is an alternative take of 'Side With The Seeds'. Geddit?
  14. Go to that Loft zooming picture thing: http://www.wilcoweb.com/loft/gigapan.php Have a look at the stashed tapes. One is labelled with "The Country Disappeared" / "Song For The Pidgeons". Not a big fan of pidgeons myself. Just thought it was mildly amusing. It's like playing Myst or something looking around the loft on these pictures - only I've never played Myst. Also went to have a look at the books / CDs. You can make out a few CDs. Jesus Christ - Kidsmoke I can see The Mighty Boosh (middle stack of the 3, right up against the left hand side) - are you thinking what I'm thinking? H
  15. Hi Paul - glad you made it to the end of the marathon, and really pleased to read you to to see the Alhambra too - would have been criminal to be in Granada and miss it. Criticising the Wilco doesn't come easy, but I was being honest and it makes the adoration when it comes more meaningful. I'm not a cheap date when it comes to enjoying music ... You may have missed out on some of the guff regarding the Fast Show. Smashey and Nicely - characters parodying the aging Radio 1 DJs of the late 70s/early 80s (shown after being sacked by the BBC and marooned on Radio Quiet - but still trying to sl
  16. Channel 4 showed a condensed half hour at midnight on UK TV last night (watched as I don't have the DVD yet). They took footage of 4 or 5 songs with practically none of the in between comments/atmospherics etc. Sounded great - so it might be the audio side that sells it for me as I wouldn't watch repeatedly (as experienced with the JT DVD). Spotted certain people in the front row You know who you are. Ha! Roll on Santiago. Get yer scallop shells out.
  17. I could tentatively be in Santiago spending an afternoon dodging the giant swinging incense dispenser followed by some music. Has to be said the other shows are pretty expensive, so just this one and some mountain walking thank you very much.
  18. Yeah close, it's Honour Prior to the results he must have been a bag of nerves (get it?) best wishes
  19. So there I was watching the latest instalment of Stephen Fry odessey across the USA in a London black cab (touching each of the 50 states and spending time at querky locations in each - however not totally recommended as it's all a bit superficial) when suddenly on driving to Illinois he heads straight for Second City and takes part in an improv show, followed by a meal of Chicago's most famous delicacy (sic) - I think just across the road from the theatre with 2 of the comedians. Something tells me he was slightly disappointed to discover that the rumours of fabulous weeners that had attracte
  20. Oh, that explains why you don't like me then, but I miss you. Keep your pecker up. Chin chin!
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