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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. Once I had the idea 5 minutes ago I just had to go with it despite it being disqualilfied according to the rules. My minds got to do what my minds got to do. "You Are Trying To Dunk My Ass" I am an American MoCa Mass dunkee I'm a'splashin' down the angled shute I'm wiping out in the plunge pool blinking What was I thinking that I decided to do? Let's forget about the sting-eyed chlorine Let's undress just like drip-dryed stragglers This is not a joke, so please stop smiling What was I thinking when I said it wasn't cold? I want to glide through that flume ride dreaming Pitch it from th
  2. One fewer stop on the Liverpool Beatles tour as Ringo's birthplace is under threat of being demolished:- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-10999705 Funny they call them "Welsh streets" - my grandparents lived in a terraced street exactly the same in Cardiff (though that style of terraced house is typical housing for industrial workers 100 years ago right across the country) - and so did I for the first 4 months of my life - which is about the same as Ringo did there it seems. Ringo isn't all that well regarded in Liverpool after a few comments in TV interviews about being g
  3. And this I suppose, but not 'independently' of course
  4. Mavis Staples is 'Not Alone': She has God and Jeff Tweedy (USA Today) Not sure about the 'first outside act to record at the Loft'. I thought Richard Swift did. No to mention that Letters For Santa winner from the first year I did have an mp3 of 'Shine' (seem to recall Mike was on it as well as JT), but I think it's slipped down the back of the settee or something. It was very good anyway. That's going to be some EBay prize CD in about 2040.
  5. A stout pillar of my world view crumbles into dust ... What next: Jimmy Pursey found to be the son of a baronet? Today http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2010/jul/28/plastic-bertrand-ca-plane-pour-moi Yesterday http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2010/jul/27/belgian-plastic-bertrand-allegations
  6. Another 80s reunion sees Haysi Fantayzee release an up to date follow up on John Wayne is Big Leggy?
  7. The incontinent Kings of Leon pigeons review this week's singles
  8. Idle question re sound system:- I have always wondered if this is necessary given the cosy venues for the living room shows. Is it just for the sake of taping (not that I want to open up that usual can of worms once more!) or JT prefers not to strain his voice any more than necessary to make himself heard over you 'damned talkers' . I'm just thinking it would be nice to have a complete 'show' without any electrics involved, but maybe that's just me. Has there been one like that I wonder ... P.S. Usual thanks for sharing experiences from these private affairs etc.
  9. Things were so very different back then ... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/the-beatles/7887457/Revealed-photos-of-a-teenage-Beatles-fan.html Link to the photo gallery : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/culturepicturegalleries/7887319/At-home-with-the-Beatles-Sue-Bakers-unseen-photo-album.html George's ex-house is about a 20 minute cycle ride from me.
  10. Quite funny - though they claim some things from Cardiff - the bastards! For fans of Goldie Looking Chain. Newport parody of Empire State of Mind - a link to the video in the article. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/music-news/7905737/Newport-parody-of-Empire-State-of-Mind-becomes-online-hit.html
  11. Highlights from this years event, beginning with the ceremony for the lighting of the Olympic Pipe
  12. A picture from the youthful official photographer, if you know what I mean.
  13. Beware the spirit of jazz ... He wants your soul ...
  14. I'd love to be wrong, but I took it to mean - you can tape (audio) but not video. The copy of that review posted at No Depression also has a comment from the venue manager at Union Chapel regarding the camera ban. http://www.nodepression.com/profiles/blogs/jeff-tweedy-live-union-chapel On balance, I'm in favour. The couple of photos I often take usually turn out pretty crumby anyway, and that was more than compensated for by the lack of distration from everyone else doing it. Looks like everyone will have to wait for Spencer's photos
  15. Some words from a professional:- http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/reviews/jeff-tweedy-union-chapel-london-2016358.html The PA was a touch too loud initially for a couple of songs, but after that I did not think it was an issue from where I was sitting.
  16. At the time I thought it was one of the best of the night, but then I kept thinking that as each number came up ... There was more of a sense of frailty and less sweetness than on the record I would say, obviously in part because it was stripped down, but more emotion came across then the slicker (soft rocking?) recording. But without that sweetness it was still of itself very (more?) beautiful in a slightly different way and worth future requests for sure. It would also be my favourite from the latest were it not for Wilco (The Song). But then I'm dumb sometimes like that and sadly to those t
  17. You are too easily pleased, but I love you for it. Fingers crossed JT will be doing a spot of busking near you soon. Found a few pics possibly from one of the side balconies (not mine - a combination of sub-conscious decision and last minute disorganisation meant I was not tooled up) here for those who want to put some visuals to the words:- http://www.songkick.com/concerts/5337086-jeff-tweedy-at-union-chapel/images It was actually really refreshing to go to a show with hardly a picture being taken or a cameraphone held aloft. Everyone seemed rightly focused on simply enjoying the moment
  18. For all the insomniacs and undead out there, here are the songs I remember (no more than one ommission I'd wager, THOUGH THE ORDER IS COMPLETELY HAYWIRE):- Someone Else's Song Remember The Mountain Bed Someday Some Morning Sometime (the online request of mine, so 2 thumbs up) Simple Twist of Fate [bob Dylan] So Much Wine [Handsome Family] Be Not So Fearful [bill Fay] with Bill Fay brought up on stage for a duet One Wing Spiders (Kidsmoke) Bob Dylan's Beard I'm Always In Love Laminated Cat The Ruling Class Impossible Germany Muzzle Of Bees Via Chicago California Stars Jesus, etc. One Wing New
  19. I seem to remember that from a while back (not this series) and it was poor. Each Dr Who series can be patchy depending on the writer of each individual episode, but this series in particular has built to an amazing climax and I have not been so enthusiastic about Dr Who since I was a kid (which explains alot of the appeal in the UK - everyone has just grown up with it). It's funny that apart from the original Star Trek series and single original Star Wars film, all the things on your list haven't got much appeal for me. I think the set up simply gives free rein to imaginative storylines and h
  20. Wow. Just wow. Brilliant TV. Already my best Dr. Who ever.
  21. Not long for the red-tops to gear up to this one (the gutter press not the England team in their red strip) but they're doing their best in wheeling out the Hun puns. Meanwhile, more nutty than rabid:- The vuvuzela in place of the plunger is a nice touch.
  22. Incredible world cup for upsets. First France, now Italy. Spain not safe yet. And England have blown their chance of the easiest imaginable route to the semi-finals. But as a Welshman I can get enjoyment with any result, and they've shown themselves to be such a shambolic bunch of overpaid morons I don't have any respect for them either way. USA on the other hand have shown refreshing endeavour and enthusiasm.
  23. Strange synchronicity: JT books a Joker in support:- Patrick Monahan Maybe JT will have to up his game in the banter stakes. Even stranger synchornicity:- Question: What's track 4 on the soundtrack to 1966's Batman movie? Answer: "Roger Wilco"
  24. Personal tutorial from Charlie Watts?
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