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Everything posted by NoJ

  1. After what I pulled on the wife on Saturday night, I believe I'm on the wagon for a spell. Part of the blame falls on my brothers shoulders but I'm receiving all the blowback. Life just aint fair sometimes.
  2. "Lonesome Animals" Bruce Holbert. Rather philosophical for a novel that falls in the Western genre, excellent read so far.
  3. NoJ

    The RTT

    I dunno. My old profile here went poof. And now I hardly ever post here or anywhere because all I do is follow The Giving Tree Band and Jennifer Lawrence around so I guess that keeps me busy. How's the folks in the wind, everybody still kicking?
  4. Linkin Bizkit, Moss?!! Really?? I think that mountain air is getting to ya.
  5. NoJ

    The RTT

    Jesus Christ Lammy, there is nothing I can hide from you. Side note...my co. xmas fiesta starts in 1 hour. If you are so inclined, please pray for my liver.
  6. NoJ

    The RTT

    Technically, its late Fall pretty much everywhere in America until December 21st, when Winter begins. All that being said, I wish it was colder and icier than it is now.
  7. NoJ

    The RTT

    Baby its cold outside
  8. Someone close to Corgan really needs to stage an intervention regarding his Uncle Fester look. And are those moobs on him?! Whoa!
  9. Reported. Jerk. Gram is certainly deserving.
  10. Giving Tree Band tonight in wonderfully quaint Yorkville IL
  11. NoJ

    The RTT

    I dont have to listen to these wild allegations.
  12. NoJ

    The RTT

    Its clear that my intention is not deceiving you.
  13. One of my colleagues played a hooker in that Dillinger flick starring J. Depp. She's got a still shot of her appearance in the film on her desk, pretty cool, she looks great as a floozy flapper.
  14. Thats my cue to say.........see "Wiinter's Bone" immediately, do not delay.
  15. A kid I grew up with was the #3 pick for Danny.
  16. NoJ

    The RTT

    Living the dream baby!
  17. NoJ

    The RTT

    Cooks who worked at Catholic, racist country clubs.
  18. Watched "The Queen of Versailles" last nite. It was the best feel good flick I've seen in quite a while.
  19. NoJ

    The RTT

    So, you take a pound of steak, cut it into big cubes and marinate it in a mixture of wochestershire sauce, olive oil, fresh cracked black pepper and red pepper flakes. Get your hard wood fire going good and hot then cook individual pieces on a stick over the fire or hot coals. Eat with a slice of cooked onion. Enjoy!
  20. NoJ

    The RTT

    In highschool, my pal used to rip off bottles of Everclear from the country club kitchen where he was a cook. The cooks used it for cooking, not drinking, so it wasnt locked up. Oh, the shenanigans.
  21. NoJ

    The RTT

    Bah, yer one off. Hoser.
  22. NoJ

    The RTT

    Yep, i've scaled way back though. Part of a bunch of changes I'm implementing. Cha-cha-cha-CHANGES!
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