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Everything posted by NoJ

  1. "The Power and The Glory" by G. Greene
  2. Its a proven fact that curiosity will get you nowhere......NOWHERE!
  3. You guys consistently get plenty of good music, quit yer cryin'!
  4. "Silver and Gold" from 2000 was a nice release.
  5. NoJ

    The RTT

    Happy new year everybody!
  6. "Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher-The Epic Life and Immortal Photographs of Edward Curtis" by T. Egan Pretty cool!
  7. AWOL was good; worth reading if you're interested in the AT or backpacking in general.
  8. "The Friends of Eddie Coyle" by G. Higgins. Saw the film a few times, finally getting to the book....
  9. Maybe the finder could insist on banging Angie in the next book?
  10. "The Terror of Living" by U. Waite Its about a coke smugglin' cowboy.......whats not to like?
  11. NoJ

    The RTT

    'Sup UC2P! Merry xmas everybody! Hey, I heard JT is playing the livingroom show at Poons house this year. Any truth to that rumor?
  12. NoJ

    The RTT

    Tippecanoe and Tyler too!
  13. NoJ

    The RTT

    Free your mind and your ass will follow.
  14. NoJ

    The RTT

    Bah, avatars are just a cage with golden bars.
  15. NoJ

    The RTT

    Whats up Flickarino?!
  16. "The Twelve" by J. Cronin. Action packed schlock!
  17. Oh yeah, for the record, I've never cheated on my wife.
  18. You think that'll help? I suppose a few quick cocktails couldnt hurt. Thanks for the advice Lammycat!
  19. I'll try that approach tonite and let know you how it flies.
  20. AND.........she should've seen it coming.....but that defense didnt hold up too well. In retrospect, I shoulda just thrown myself at her feet and begged for mercy because g'damn is she ever breathing fire right now.
  21. Nah, just got bombed with my brothers, one of whom I havent seen in 2 years. Frankly, I believe I'm allowed an episode like that every 5 or 10 years.
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