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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Well, it looks like it won't hit until Wednesday, but I don't think my parents are planning on coming back until Monday or Tuesday. My dad is driving back Monday, so he should make it, but my mom is flying on Tuesday. Who knows.
  2. I honestly didn't really know he was.
  3. I referenced that the other day and people wrote it off as one uptight audience, so who knows...
  4. I'll give him that. Olbermann doesn't hide his bias. Doesn't make him any less unbearable.
  5. Both of my parents are going to be in Savannah, Georgia with my sister if and when it hits us. So I might be looking at boarding up two houses...
  6. Like I said last night, I love Stewart and Colbert and their shows, but the crowds are obnoxious. He could get laughs from them for doing his really terrible and unfunny Bush impression and for a while there about a year ago, that's all Jon did. I'm glad he's gotten away from it, but the interviews are unbearable. Anytime he makes a point against Bush or republicans or for Obama, the crowd goes wild and the person being interviewed has to wait 5-10 seconds to answer. Even if it's the most obvious point ever.
  7. So Olbermann and O'Reilly are different and it has nothing to do with the fact that the majority of you agree with Olbermann and disagree with O'Reilly?
  8. I love liberals who hate on bill o'reilly and them go on to praise olberman.
  9. It all depends. I know cubans vote hewvily republican, moslt because of bitterness towards democrats because of bay of pigs and then the whole elian thing. Latin American ethnicity is a mix of white European spaniards, black slaves, and native Americans. Peruvians, chileans, argentinians, and brazilians tend to be more fair skinned and lighter haired because of an influx of Germans and Jews in the 20th century. I'm not an expert, but that's pretty close.
  10. Man colbert and Stewart would be so much easier to watch if they didn't have an audience.
  11. boy that's hardly convincing. The democrats are also running a black candidate. That might have something todo with it. I really can't stand when people play race for political gain. I don't buy the theory that democrats care about black people anymore than the republicans. They see them as another voting block to exploit. The parties care about rich people of all shapes and colors and could give half a fuck about poor of any race.
  12. It is very important to democrats to be seen as the party of the black people. Republicans don't care about black people! Edie have you been looking for Hispanic faces? They re the largest minority in our country and they don't vote in lockstep with the democratic party. I know it doesn't fit in with your goal, but it doesn't invalidate the point.
  13. So this new Metallica album is better than the last one, but man James' voice sounds awfully weak on a number of the tracks. But the guitar is pretty great.
  14. I thought about Buck O'Neill today. That always makes me happy.
  15. I personally don't think labels are all that important. If someone wants to call Johnny Cash Alt.Country, I can dig it. It doesn't really change the music.
  16. It all depends on whether you believe that a genre title that wasn't created until the late 80's can apply to artists who had a similar sound and approach to music prior to them, then.
  17. Because you aren't the intended audience. I'm a broken record. http://thehill.com/leading-the-news/westmo...2008-09-04.html Classy.
  18. I'll note what I know I disagree with each party on: Democrats: Guns cannot be banned. Guns are too far a part of our culture, for better or worse, to get rid of them. We can't be out of Iraq in 18 months. Like I said in the other thread, I don't see how universal health care is feasible, though there were some good suggestions made there that could change my mind. I am against affirmative action (And I'm not an old white guy!) I think Obama's suggestion of a windfall profits tax is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. I'm sure there's more. Republicans: People shouldn't be allowe
  19. Has privatized insurance ever been attempted on a country our size before? Scale is very important.
  20. John Kerry was a terrible candidate, and not just because he was bland. He was too afraid to attack, too afraid to defend, and he couldn't connect with anyone. Sure, I'd like to have substance over superficiality in the election, but if we are examining why the Democrats lost in 2004, nominating John Kerry is the number one reason. I'm not saying it's right, but it is what it is.
  21. Holy shit. DICK Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels? BARRY (defensive) No. The Righteous Brothers. DICK Oh well. Nevermind. Barry bristles and moves slowly in on Dick. BARRY What? DICK Nothing. BARRY No, not nothing. What's wrong with the Righteous Brothers? DICK Nothing. I just prefer the other o
  22. I think most Americans want that to happen, but stopping the war is going to take time and I don't think there's any agreement on what issues at home need to be take care of. What is Obama going to do on the home front? I'm not looking for a link to his website either. I want to know what he can, realistically, within the scope of the power of his position. You can make a ton of promises, but in the end, congress has just as much say on what happens as the president, so let's look at it realistically.
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