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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Yeah? Seems to me like her point was that things like Katrina and health care kill more Americans than terrorism. A true point, but not a very good one, because John McCain had nothing to do with the problems in Katrina (The fucking government on all levels fucked up, it had nothing to do with party) and I don't see universal health care coming along regardless of who is president.
  2. Really? I can't legitimately like Joe Leiberman without being called a contrarian anymore? Fuck, this place is really obnoxious. And this is the crux of why I can't stand politics. If you aren't lock step with the democratic party, and you question what politicians tell you, left wingers think you are a right winger, and vice versa. It's fucking ridiculous. It was a really confusing, pointless post that didn't have anything to do with anything. That makes me a right winger now?
  3. Man, Orkie needs to look up the fucking word "subjective" in the dictionary.
  4. Really? Now John McCain was responsible for Katrina? McCain and Obama have just as much responsibility for what happened down there (NONE!).
  5. Man cannot touch nature in it's ability to create something so beautiful and terrifying at the same time (though nuclear weapons are close).
  6. Looks like barbecue sauce. Certainly ain't Heinz, that's for sure.
  7. What you say in one context should not be judged outside of that context, in other words?
  8. I think everyone's first reaction is "what the fuck". But if you get over that, it's brilliant.
  9. Man, I could fucking watch this fucking movie every fucking day. John Goodman is hysterical. One of the best comedic performances of all time.
  10. I don't think I said anything regarding how long he's been a muslim for.
  11. I mean. How do you know he doesn't have a salad? And why would it confuse you? How does it affect you in any way?
  12. It confuses me when you post stuff like this.
  13. Gary Sheffield just hit the 250,000th home run in MLB history. Apparently Mike Jacobs missed it by a few minutes.
  14. I've always thought it was really funny that Beck asked him if he's working with our enemies.
  15. I'm not that mad. I just overreact when people from outside of Florida criticize our attendance when they don't know a thing about the area or the situation. It's easy to criticize (Hell, if John Kruk can do it, it can't be that hard), but nobody outside of Florida stops to think about why things are the way they are.
  16. 05/17/08: Signed six-year, $70 million extension. 2008: Near Minimum, 2009: $5.5 million, 2010: $7 million, 2011: $11 million, 2012: $15 million, 2013: $15.5 million, 2014: $16 million, 2015: Free Agent Do you call out Red Sox fans everytime they hate on the Yankees?
  17. BECK: Thank you. I will tell you, may I -- may we have five minutes here where we're just politically incorrect and I play the cards face up on the table? ELLISON: Go there. BECK: OK. No offense, and I know Muslims. I like Muslims. I've been to mosques. I really don't believe that Islam is a religion of evil. I -- you know, I think it's being hijacked, quite frankly. With that being said, you are a Democrat. You are saying, "Let's cut and run." And I have to tell you, I have been nervous about this interview with you, because what I feel like saying is, "Sir, prove to me that you are not
  18. Yeah, that's a great burn on me since I've gone to 15-20 games a year for the past four years. But, you know, ignore all of the multitude of reasons why people don't go to games here and just keep regurgitating the bullshit you hear on ESPN.
  19. I really hope the Mets overpay for K-Rod and Sabathia in the offseason. Make it that much more fun when they fall apart.
  20. Minus London Calling, his last album matches up with alot of the Clash stuff.
  21. You are all wrong, guys. I'm pretty sure Pink Floyd invented Alt.Country.
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