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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Well, they also nominated John fucking Kerry, one of the most bland people I've ever seen in my life. That was a fucking joke. That seems a little pie in the sky, but I'd like to see it happen. I don't see how it would work, and I don't see how it would be supported. Aren't a bunch of companies cutting health care benefits because of cost as is? And John, you just simplified a very complex thing. It's not that easy, and I don't think it's feasible to expect to be out even within the first term of whoever's presidency.
  2. I didn't realize it was that easy. I'm really not trying to bait here, though I'm sure I won't get any real answers. Isn't Obama planning on being out of Iraq in 18 months? Even if he does, I can't see the defense budget being touched to pay for health care. I can't see that getting support from anyone.
  3. How will we pay for universal health care and a war?
  4. My biggest question is how do we pay for that?
  5. I think this is a pretty excellent point, and it goes with what Solace is saying. The care will be there for those who can wade through the beauracracy, but I just don't see how it will work on a large scale.
  6. Plus, Guitar Hero and Rock Band are insanely fun.
  7. With the way our government is run, something tells me $200 million wouldn't do much for children with health insurance, unless you are talking about like, one free visit to the doctor, or something. THat number seems extremely low. Gustav: Bush was damned if he did and damned if he didn't with that thing. Nothing he did would've pleased you. He couldn't ignore it, but he couldn't go down there or else it would be pandering. YOu know what the difference between Katrina and Gustav was? (I think, having lived in South Florida during one of the worst periods of hurricane activity in modern Ame
  8. Is that the instrumental only album I heard about? I hope not, I wouldn't be too interested in an instrumental only follow up to one of my favorite albums in recent years.
  9. And the Democrats' VP candidate didn't deliver a speech that really rallied the party. Again, it's all a product of your disdain for the party as a whole. Republicans thought Giuliani and Palin were great (As well as Thompson, who was getting ripped here last night). Personally, it was all the same crap (both conventions) and I can't get a strong reaction going from either.
  10. Or maybe they agree with the things that are being said? I've never understood the need by people on any end of the political spectrum to write off the beliefs of others on the opposite as being "brain washed". Just like you believe what you believe, they believe what they believe. The Democratic convention had just as many people blindly cheering as the repubs did.
  11. I'll find the smilie that represents neither side having realistic expectations about their chances in the debates.
  12. How does this apply to what I was saying even a little bit? I'm not defending McCain's views, which I agree have changed quite a bit and have forced me to lose a ton of respect for him in the past few years. I was just saying I don't see the landslide in the debates that many of you do. And for the record, republicans expect their guys to steamroll your guys in the debates.
  13. Well, I think you are so far gone on McCain that it's not really worth discussing his qualities, good or bad, but I've always felt he's more comfortable and likeable at the town hall style meetings and the debates than when he's reading scripted speeches.
  14. Really? I guess saying anything positive about him on this board could be considered licking his ass, so sure. I'm going to start doing more research on local elections as they draw closer to see what I feel is important.
  15. I would say it has more to do with him being more comfortable on his own than reading speeches. Not a bad quality to have.
  16. You've seen Palin speak once, and by all accounts she was pretty well spoken and confident. I don't think her being steamrolled by Biden is a given (I said this a few days ago that she was the wildcard, she might really be able to go toe to toe with him), and McCain is always better on his toes than reading cards or prompters. I expect the debates to be very good, and very firey. I don't expect much to be held back, and that scares me because I definitely think Biden will say something about Palin's daughter, which will hurt them alot since Obama said families are off limits.
  17. I'm sure republicans said the same thing after the Democratic convention. The convention is not for people of the other party. It's designed as one long ad for your party, which is why Democrats thought theirs was awesome, and Republicans thought it was condescending and empty.
  18. Conservatives are eating her speech up.
  19. I say I like rock music and hip hop. Sometimes, if I'm feeling lazy, I'll use 'pop' as a catch all.
  20. I'm not jabbing at anyone, calm down. The conversation was starting to turn to an "I'm right, you're wrong" type of thing, which is dumb when discussing something as obviously subjective as this. There is no universally agreed upon definition of what anyone genre means, which is why something like this is up for discussion, and should be discussed. But condescending posts that basically write off someone's opinion make it not worth discussing. I don't know if you were looking for a fight, or something, but you totally misunderstood the intent of my post. Whatever.
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