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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I mean, this is all based on our opinions on what defines the sound known as alt.Country. Nobody is right or wrong here, but as always, some members are stating their opinions as fact.
  2. Definitely. If they feel they've got more in them for this record, why settle for what's already there?
  3. Only if you buy into the myth that there are only two sides to every issue and that each party solely represents one of the two sides.
  4. Alt Country: anything with a fiddle, banjo, or slide guitar that critics actually like.
  5. Yes, all of you. I just cannot see how Obama can attack her for not having experience. I kind of think her presidential candidate kind of makes up for it.
  6. Haven't Obama supporters been arguing that experience is overrated when running for President?
  7. Morality isn't a straight line drawn across every issue. How can you be anti-war and then support the murder of innocent babies? The argument works both ways, and you undercut your own argument that way. Plus, didn't you already do the "plate of embryos vs. a human" thing and get ridiculed for it because it's a ridiculous argument?
  8. I think I've reached the point where I can't tell the difference between a good Metallica song and a bad one, but this is better than St. Anger for sure. I don't see myself going back to this soon. The vocals on the verses of "Unforgiven III" are dreadful. Sounds like Weird Al Yankovic doing James Hetfield...
  9. The Wikipedia page makes it seem like there's at least some evidence to suggest his win is as questionable as Bush's in 2000.
  10. I hadn't seen the update, but that's good news. Maybe people can calm down then.
  11. I think some conservatives are making too big a deal about it, but it's worth posting.
  12. Not going to take the bait. Just reporting what I found.
  13. Democratic party of Alaska releases Palin's SSN and Phone number.
  14. 14-13 in the 6th inning in Florida. Nobody can make an out today.
  15. Alright. I'm gonna take a break from this thread. I can't help but be a dick, so I'm going to stop.
  16. Awesome. Can you prank call me again? That was fun.
  17. Oh, you again. Sweet. I thought you were done with that crap?
  18. My age has nothing to do with it. I'll admit on this occasion, I am legitimately angry, because I hate when people talk down to me because of my age. If you're going to keep bringing it up, I'm going to keep telling you to go fuck yourself. And really, how are stolen elections that much different from 9/11 conspiracies if you don't believe in them? There are plenty of unanswered questions regarding 9/11, just like the 2000 and 2004 elections, and plenty of things you can point to as "proof", but it seems to me in both situations there are simply a lot of unrelated clues that can lead you to
  19. I mostly feel that any time the government gets involved with something on this large of a scale, it's bound to get fucked up somewhere along the line.
  20. Do you want me to read every single article on the site? I'm working my way through what is there and none of it is convincing me. If you want to say it's because I had something to gain by the republicans winning, or something, that's cool. I'm skeptical of it as it is, and since the allegation is that it's been stolen from the top up, I need to see proof of that, not that some cities fucked up. Like I said, there's irregularities. They might have impacted the outcome, though with Bush winning by such large margins, I'm not sure I buy it. But I don't buy a top down conspiracy of theft.
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