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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Lol, on the other board I'm on where it is mostly conservative, they are raving about Palin. Just goes to show it has nothing to do with her and everything to do with politics. Well, at least nobody on this board is trying to make me feel guilty about not wanting to vote. So, point for you guys.
  2. The post season is always pretty much a coin toss anyways. The best team rarely wins the WS.
  3. Come on down to South Florida. Race is not an issue outside of pockets of ethnic neighborhoods like Little Havana and Little Haiti. On the whole, any given rich or poor neighborhood will have an equal number of blacks, hispanics, and whites. And I think nobody can argue that for my generation, race is almost not an issue, really. The only people I can think of who see race as an issue in day to day life are, unfortunately, young black kids who try to use their race as a crutch, as an excuse for why bad things happen. I work with a kid who is just a lazy asshole, and everyone hates him, and
  4. Forgive me, but as someone who has grown up in an increasingly racially diverse area where it simply isn't an issue, I think the impact of Obama's nomination is a little lost on me. I've never really seen race as an issue in my life.
  5. I know I'm about to demonize myself, but probably not. I have no faith in either major party to represent anything more than their interests, and our system is so fucked up that there's no point in voting independent. So I won't. A no vote holds the same power as a vote for any of the non major candidates. I might write in "George Carlin".
  6. Yeah. Katrina was the republicans fault. Never mind a completely incompetent local democratic party and an all around fucked up beauracracy that prevented anything from being done when it needed to be, regardless of who was running the thing.
  7. I think my skepticism w/r/t Obama and McCain should show you pretty well that I've never really bought into any of them. I think the two of them are the best their respective parties could offer, and they both kind of suck. I expect nothing but the same from the Republican Convention, but I expect most of you to shit on it all weeklong. It's politics. Neither party is very different in the way they act, and that's why I don't care about either convention. It's all "rah rah, look how awesome we are" bullshit. In my opinion.
  8. The Love show (and accompanying album) looked pretty cool, but the movie was so embaressingly bad.
  9. Care to explain this, because I really don't get it. Do you really get caught up in what is, essentially, a week long commercial for the party? I really don't see how this could make you patriotic all of a sudden if you weren't before.
  10. You either tax the rich more and have them pass it on down, or you tax the middle class directly. Either way, the rich are going to be alright and the middle class gets the shaft.
  11. Nothing is easier than being a fan of a successful team. Yawn.
  12. one people are going to be really dissapointed by an Obama presidency.
  13. methinks there are folks here who don't understand what a political analyst's job is. He is the network's version of a columnist.
  14. Fau and fiu are both going to give Texas and Kansas a scare this week if they sleep on them and fau may pull it off.
  15. Well, the republicans aren't the party of Abraham Lincoln in anything more than name. Let's be real.
  16. That movie also did one thing no beatles song or movie ever did: Sucked. Really fucking hard. That was a terrible movie. Like. Holy shit. That movie was just awful.
  17. Man, people say things sometimes, and man...
  18. One thing that's cool about us is at least I had no expectations. I can calm myself down a little easier.
  19. They are both moving in opposite directions on a treadmill, maybe. It's all talk until we actually see something done by the democrats regarding oil...
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