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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I'm going to reserve my thoughts on Christopher Hitchens for the Douchebag thread. I just don't see how you can view Mother Teresa with disgust...
  2. Not quite 26. He's the oldest guy in our rotation.
  3. Yeah, it might take me a few weeks to get through whatever book we decide because I'm working 2 jobs + doing a full time class schedule, but I'm definitely in.
  4. Hmm, the beginning seemed pretty lighthearted...
  5. I think the fact that Theresa had doubts about her faith makes her all the more human, and more respectable. Also, this is kind of what lynn touched on there, a little bit, I think. One of the more interesting bits I've seen on religion from a philosophical standpoint: Pascal's Wager
  6. One of my desert island books. Funniest book I've ever read. I'd be down for this, I'll suggest the Brief, Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, as I bought and haven't read it yet. My suggestions will mostly be in the lighter side, because I tend to prefer books with a sense of humor about them.
  7. So I dug a little deeper because I've been ballwashing Ricky Nolasco for the past few weeks, and he's having the most unappreciated dominant season in the bigs. Since June 1, he looks like this: 104 IP, 93 HA, 13HR, 99 K, 14 BB (11 unintentional), 1.02 WHIP, 3.2 ERA Since June 1, Ricky's got the 6th most K's in all of baseball, and he's allowed fewer walks than everyone in the top 40 in K's. Man, if he played anywhere but Florida he'd be, at the very least, a top 10 Cy Young candidate. He'd be in my top 5, probably.
  8. 10 days until our first game. Unfortunately, I'll be in Savannah helping my sister move into her new school, so I probably won't be able to watch.
  9. Am I the only one that really likes this cover?
  10. I think it's at least a little ironic that the person criticizing this dude originally for his blog post on his personal blog decided to make a vague reference to an obscure TV show while criticizing this guy for thinking him and his friends are clever. Or something. It makes sense in my head.
  11. There are definitely those who evangalize atheism right here on this board.
  13. Ricky Nolasco since the All Star break has been an absolute ace. 44 IP, 46 Ks, 6 BB. Ridiculous.
  14. Yep. How sad is that? Nolasco's flirted with it 2 or 3 times this year. His numbers don't show it, but he's been one of the best pitchers in baseball for about a 2 month stretch.
  15. Hey. We ended our 2 year streak of no complete games.
  16. This doesn't really cover anything.
  17. Obama is different man. Just close your eyes and believe.
  18. That was bullshit. You don't hit someone in the head. Running into the catcher is a part of the game, sorry.
  19. I like quite a few of the songs on the last two, though I'll admit I haven't listened to either album in it's entirety in about 3 years probably.
  20. I'm pretty sure he got arrested last year, since he was living in my building for about a week and then disappeared. I will say that before he robbed me he wasn't a bad roommate, and was even pretty generous, so I never had to pay for weed during that semester. That was a plus.
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