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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. If you really were going out with Zooey Deschanel, I'd be beyond jealous.
  2. I lucked out the first half of freshman year and had 3 really cool roommates. Our room was pretty much everyone on the floor's consensus pick for best room. Then 2nd semester, one of the kids (the tall one that looked like napoleon dynamite and listened to nothing but Deltron and the Beastie Boys) left and was replaced by a douchebag drug dealer who proceeded to rob about 10 rooms, including mine, and threatened people with guns when they confronted him. That was fun.
  3. It's really fun, which is a much needed reprieve from Make Believe which was just way too serious. Maladroit is my choice for an underrated Weezer album. I love that thing like I would my first born child.
  4. Well, just because Obama is an eloquent speaker, that doesn't make any of the criticisms of him less true. Just saying.
  5. Best moment of moving in: Accidentally slamming the front door of the building in my roommate's face. He hit it pretty hard. Oh, for sure. I don't have sympathy for the people that allow them to be subjected to it. If you are that desperate for acceptance, you probably don't deserve to have good friends anyways.
  6. I don't remember that specific quote. Sorry. Though, truth be told, I never watched it when it was on. But I am actually going to watch season 3 tonight with friends. Hurricane party!
  7. In high school, i had 5 friends who I basically hung out with every single day, and 3 of them went on to join frats. 2 of them were definitely hazed and aren't allowed to talk about it to me, which I think is kind of fucking stupid, but hey whatever. The other one wasn't hazed, and he's the only one who isn't crazy fanatical about it. I've heard some horror stories about hazing, and I just don't get it. Friends don't do that to each other. (Undeclared handled this topic pretty well. Very good 2 episode bit)
  8. So people who do support Obama don't think he's an empty suit, and those who don't think he is. He's a politician, so I'll probably side more with the latter, though the truth is more likely somewhere in the middle. He's very good at being a politician, because he's convinced so many people that he isn't a politician, but something more. But he's also not completely devoid of value because of that.
  9. I got the rubber one that looks like a grenade.
  10. So if someone is texting, I should wrap my eyes in leather and not their phone, or what?
  11. What does it say that my parents didn't drop me off at school, and never, in the two years I lived in the dorms, see the inside of my room? I'm pretty sure the PIKEs at UF were disbanded. Somethign about basements, frozen hot dogs, buttholes, and someone hanging themself.
  12. No, but I was just thinking about how much I'm going to miss Tim Russert's election coverage. He was the best...
  13. And those frat guys sound like real jack asses. I'm no fan of frats, but most are harmless. I can say that at FIU at least, the Pikes are the ones to tell your daughter to steer clear of, and that seems to hold true for almost every college in Florida. They seem to get in trouble for stuff every year.
  14. Really, though, most people in college are intelligent enough not to get into too much trouble. She'll be alright.
  15. I didn't laugh at "asswater" the first two times I read it, but when I imagined that your post said it just now I laughed.
  16. I won't share with you my experiences first year of college. You might pull her out of school.
  17. That part was a joke. So now I'm not allowed to take sides on any issue. Cool. Explain to me, in detail, how these guys could have possibly ruined anyone's experience at this show. Here's what we have to go with: They were in the back They were not talking Other people were talking Opening band Ok. GO! Sure, you can be annoyed by it, but I don't see how this could adversely effect you in any way. Short of crashing your car while text messaging, your life is not affected in ANY WAY by someone else texting.
  18. I mean, you probably aren't wrong, but you probably aren't right either. They aren't far removed from a lot of "southern rock" in style, they are just really fucking good at it. And we could play that game with the Hold Steady with similar results.
  19. I would say there should, logically, be lots of crossover. They are two of the few bands that are just legitimate, good, old fashioned rock and roll.
  20. Fair enough. I still don't think it's fair to compare texting at a concert to texting at a funeral, but then again, you are the one who equated wilco being in a volkswagen commercial to an implicit endorsement of the Third Reich, so you are prone to leaps of logic.
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