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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. It's a nice escape route. If two people are being assholes (As FHF and I clearly are), and only one of them is using profanity, then the one who isn't can easily take a moral high ground and say "Look at his words! They mean the same as mine but have a negative connotation!"
  2. He's a bad man(!) for the things he's said to living, breathing folks in this thread. Yeah, I'm going with the "He started it" method of conflict resolution.
  3. On a related note, I'm always just flabbergasted how people like to think as long as they aren't using curse words, they can say just about whatever they damn well please, no matter how insulting. Gary, that's not how Haikus are written. Different style.
  4. Should I start a new new new election thread for when this one gets closed in the next few minutes?
  5. When you push a discussion so far towards the ridiculous like you just did, FHF, then you'd better not get all pissy when it peters out to the ridiculous side.
  6. I, for one, have never been entertained by one of your posts. I got your back, dog.
  7. Because that's just, like, your opinion, man.
  8. I have hazy memories of it, and I had a tape that I used to watch a lot when I was a kid that had them on it. It was awesome.
  9. Gogo! Anyways, he made his decision, and he doesn't have to answer to anyone about it but himself. Get over yourself.
  10. The best basketball players in the world playing together on the same team is, at times, beautiful to watch. The first two Dream Teams were perfect.
  11. Got you a nice full length one, Jules.
  12. The interwebs about to get awful lonely, then.
  13. Let me be the first to complain: No Tommy? For shame, people.
  14. Man, there are things being said here that seemingly deny the existence of subjectivity in music. Cool.
  15. cole hamels looks like Bruce campbell.
  16. Edited by gogo for being non-substantial. See "you've been warned", above. I'm serious about this, people. If it keeps up, I'll delete the whole damn post.
  17. You should go. But if not, I might be willing to take them off you.
  18. So we're going to continue talking about putting air in our tires? Man, Obama and McCain are getting really good at diverting attention. Putting air in your tires and drilling in the gulf are not mutually exclusive options. At this point, if it's going to get as bad as they say, we need to be doing anything we can to decrease consumption and increase production.
  19. Why are we talking about this when Obama is discussing a heightened tax on gas company's profits. Windfall tax is what it's called, and it's a fucking terrible, backwards idea. Google has arguably the highest profit margin of any major company in the united states, but something tells me they won't be singled out for a windfall tax. Just gas companies. Where's the logic?
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