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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. You are a republican, you don't believe in evolution, sorry.
  2. What about the democrats who are lower on the evolutionary scale? That is more blind, fervent support for a policy and party than it is for a person. Install anyone else into his place, and the same people will support him, because of what he represents. Whereas it seems to me, much of the support is for Obama the man, rather than Obama the policies.
  3. This is awesome, thanks guys.
  4. I'm curious as to how my Obama supporter friends will explain it away, like they always do. The man can do no wrong in their eyes, I've never seen such blind, fervent support for a single politician.
  5. Speculating about a curse > joking about someone getting into a car crash. Alright.
  6. Well, I guess that is something that you can say.
  7. Wish I could see the Imax, but it's sold out for like 2 weeks.
  8. Jeez. I teared up at the part about her new brother. What the hell is wrong with some people?
  9. Woo. I know we suck, and all, but a brand new on campus stadium has me very excited for the football season. Who cares if we suck, it's college football, and like our quarterback said, "We're on a 1 game winning streak."
  10. I was thinking about him yesterday, this is weird. Hope he's alright. What I was thinking about is that he's never going to be the best actor in any given movie, but he's the perfect complement because he is one of the most likeable actors of our time. Sure, he's talented, but there are lots of talented people out there. But he really does give off this air of intelligence, kindness, and grace that makes him stand out. Not sure why I was thinking this, but I sure hope he's going to be alright.
  11. That was a good read. I disagree with his characterizations of the individuals (And the Hold Steady mainstream? Tad still has to moonlight to make ends meet) but not with his overall conclusions.
  12. Any way I can get this onto my iPhone?
  13. Big series coming up, Marlins 2.5 out heading into Philly. It'll be huge if we get out of there with 2 wins.
  14. Yeah, I would say this is a not good thread idea.
  15. That article was a beaitiful example of logical thinking about a fairly confusimg subject. For as sure as lammy or I may feel we are, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
  16. I'm just poking fun. Seems everytime we win you guys and the philliesdo too, so I have to relish gaining ground.
  17. I thought they were only crappy with Randolph at the helm?
  18. I still think the all time best sportscenter commercial was the one with dan patrick and stone cold. Classic.
  19. Do we need to have another lecture about how the media works, or are you quite done?
  20. Wthout making a trade we added three difference makers to the rotation. Don't get too happy.
  21. Lame. Really lame. Not as good as what we offered.
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