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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Though, if you are looking for a similar treat, you can always hit up your local Dairy Queen for my favorite: Cheesequake Blizzard with reeses cups. Oh man, heavenly...
  2. The Phillies are the best team in the division, the Mets have the best record, the Marlins are ruining baseball with their non-traditional logos, the Braves are racist, and the Nationals just plain stink.
  3. I won't disagree with that. The Phillies are the best team in the division, and the Marlins and Mets are probably about even. Thus, as a person who wants the Marlins to make the playoffs, I want to see the weaker of the two opponents do better until the end of the season. Calm down.
  4. I fear my wording may have been confusing, though. I meant they have cheesecakes AND peanut butter cup cookies, both of which are good. Sorry for the confusion. CONVENIENCE. You can consult someone else's opinion when making a purchase. You are holding their opinion up as fact. And what is the 2nd bit even referring to?
  5. I hope the Mets keep winning and the Phillies keep losing because the Mets will be a much easier team to beat in September.
  6. It won't make a difference. You are talking about taste. It is always going to be subjective. Stop.
  7. Most of it has been done by advertisers, but politicians have done nothing to change the public's perception. I would guess if you asked most people, they would tell you ethanol is a viable "green" alternative.
  8. Well, when ethanol was introduced to the American market, most people didn't know much about it, so it was kind of able to be everything to everyone, and here is where my problem with that comes in. It was marketed as a green product when it so obviously isn't...
  9. I've also read Ethanol is just as pollutant as well.
  10. I think I've used ethanol as an example a lot in this thread, but it really is a pretty terrible product that has been pushed an marketed as green despite evidence to the contrary. The effects of this are being felt in the price of food and gas, and it has also (in my opinion) done little to move us off of foreign oil and has probably had detrimental effects in finding real ways to get off natural gas.
  11. That's my main concern. It does have to be well planned and executed if we are going to make wholesale changes to our infrastructure like many want, and it seems like a lot of it is just talking points by democratic politicians to gain political points. Their support of a product like ethanol just shows how little substantive work is being done on a large scale. I'm all for people doing their part on a small scale, but I don't see how anyone can deny that the democratic party is using environmentalism for political gain, when they don't have many (if any) realistic, large scale plans. He
  12. Lupe Fiasco (featuring Gemini)- Dumb it Down I'm fearless Now hear this I'm earless And I'm peer-less That means I'm eyeless Which means I'm tearless Which means my iris resides where my ears is Which means I'm blinded But I'mma find it I can feel it's nearness But I'mma veer so I don't come near Like a chicken or a deer But I remember I'm not a listener or a seer so my windshield smear Here, you steer, I really shouldn't be behind this, clearly cause my blindness The windshield is minstrel, the whole grill is roadkill, so trill and so sincere. Yeah, I'm both them there Took both pills, when
  13. Don't you have some workers to be exploiting?
  14. This is really going in circles. There is no hamr in understanding different types of coffee or how a business becomes profitable. There is also no harm in ignoring it and drinking coffee. You were the one with the crusade to get people to stop drinking it, I'm just pointing out that it doesn't matter if people drink it. If they like it, they aren't being duped into anything. I hate anytime someone tries to tell people that they don't really like or believe what they like or believe. Nothing could be more condescending.
  15. There is most assuredly a political agenda behind global warming. You just happen to agree with the politics of the agenda, so you are okay with it.
  16. But if people like Starbucks coffee, who cares if they are willing to settle for the middle ground between taste and convenience. For 99.9% of the population, coffee isn't anything more than something people need a fix of before work. In the interest of full disclosure, I rarely go to starbucks, and if i do, it's mostly just to sit somewhere with a nice atmosphere to get some work done. On the rare occasion that I do drink coffee, I find somewhere where they will give me some cuban coffee.
  17. They have good Cheesecake and peanut butter cup cookies in the Barnes & Noble ones.
  18. It was mostly how you came in guns a blazing and once you realized that people here don't mind Starbucks, you're tone change significantly. Are people still being duped?
  19. Well, he'd better not disagree, or I've been duped into wasting a lot of money this summer.
  20. The problem is the lobbies, no doubt. It sounds sort of silly, but the farming lobby has a lot of weight to push around in Washington.
  21. I has Rogue's Mocha Porter and I liked it quite a bit, but my friends did not. Then again, they generally don't like the more bitter beers (Or really anything that isn't Coors Light, the charlatans).
  22. I had a coffee flavored beer this one time that was allsome. No lie.
  23. That's an awful lot of backtracking there.
  24. I agree with parts of this, but can't agree with others. On the one hand, it would be super nice to do all of those things, but on the other hand, it would cost a tremendous amount of money to basically change the way food is produced in our country. And I am definitely not in favor of trying to solve world hunger by moving food from where it is to where it isn't. That only perpetuates long term problems in those areas. And corn based ethanol is just a bad idea altogether. It should never have gotten to the point where it is now, but some people stood to make a lot of money by making s
  25. I just think it's pretty impressive the lengths and stretches in logic many people (ON BOTH SIDES) will go to to protect the actions of those they agree with. You want to ignore the fact that there are plenty of people exploiting the environmentalist mood in our country, fine. But don't try to make it seem like they aren't, and don't try to make someone else out to be a bad guy for doing the exact same thing on an issue you don't happen to agree with.
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