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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. He stole Pokey Reese's job in 06. Pokey is a hard working, middle class American.
  2. You just hate him because he's an immigrant, don't you?
  3. I will reach through the screen and choke you. The only thing you are allowed to criticize about Hanley in my presence is that he hasn't brokered a peace deal in the middle east. Yes.
  4. He also had no shot of going anywhere with the M's, whereas if he should know that if he shuts up and does as he's told and produces, he can help them make the playoffs (it's a long shot, but not impossible or even improbably). Even Steve Phillips removed his lips from Jose Reyes' ass long enough to call Hanley the best player in the NL the other day.
  5. It's a great signing by him if they stick to just LHPers.
  6. Hanley is one of the 5 best offensive players in the game, and he's like, 16 years old. He is all that.
  7. What are you, Lou Dobbs? Blaming all of our country's problems on immigration isn't going to get us anywhere.
  8. No! Cliff Lee's going to probably come back to earth at some point. Though they still might get it because I'm not sold on any of the other teams.
  9. Preach on. Baseball, on the whole is one of the few perfect things in the world, along with Music.
  10. Basically, what you are saying is if you aren't a Met, Red Sock, or Yankee, in order to get the type of press their normal players get, you have to become addicted to heroine, be pushed to the brink of death, have a drug induced hallucination about hitting baseballs in New York, have a grandma, come back and have one of the best years in baseball? Easy as pie. So Red Sox fans, honest question: You really don't think players on your team get more attention than they deserve from the national media?
  11. My best friend in high school literally thought they were the greatest band in the world.
  12. 10 and a half hours and counting.
  13. Well, according the Bill James, anyways, the optimum usage of a closer is this: 2 innings at a time in the 8th and 9th when you are tied 2 innings at a time in the 8th and 9th when you are down Normal "save situation" in the 9th if he hasn't worked in a few days And believe me, if Papelbon could be as good as a starter as he is a closer, they would definitely put him as a starter. He'd probably be a league average starter, which would actually probably have more value to the team, but he's going to make way more money and get way more credit and press being a "dominant closer" in a big mar
  14. I find Incubus to be pretty boring, but inoffensive, most of the time.
  15. Pretty excited about this, not gonna lie. Some of my favorite bands are playing, not to mention the Who are one of my favorites. VH1 classic is showing all Who stuff all day, so that's awesome too.
  16. Oh come on, he absolutely gets more press and credit from the media because he plays in a big market. Nobody would know who he is if he played in Seattle or Cleveland, and you know it. Papelbon would be a starter if he was good enough to be one. In his case, it has nothing to do with having stamina and everything to do with not having a legitimate 3rd pitch. You can be a dominant closer with 2 pitches, but unless those pitches are absolutely unhittable (RJ's fastball and slider), you can't start. Papelbon has 2 pretty good pitches, but neither of them is overwhelming. And are guys born wi
  17. Except most teams don't reserve a valuable roster spot solely for a pinch runner. I would say coming into a tie game or a game where you are down by 1 in the 8th takes a lot more "guts" or whatever word you want to use than getting 3 outs before giving up 3 runs. The misuse of a team's relief ace has made the closer's role overvalued. Jon Papelbon isn't a closer because he's mentally more tough than any of the other pitchers on their roster. It's because he either doesn't have the stamina or just simply isn't good enough to start. I would argue the 9th inning when you are up is one of
  18. The team would probably lose no more than 5 or 6 games per year with an average closer. The reason Mariano is the greatest is mostly because of his postseason record. In the regular season, he mostly pitches when his team is ahead and he only goes one inning at a time. Same with Papelbon and most closers. This is why they are overrated. Most pitchers aren't going to blow a 2 or 3 run lead before they 3 outs. Mo is the best because in the postseason, he's pitching far more often in high leverage situations and he steps his game up. It's an absolutely overrated position. Your best relief pit
  19. Well, in my eyes "not really that good" implies that he is overrated, mostly because he just doesn't throw very many innings. He's a good closer. He's not miles ahead of the average closer, though. He racks up saves because his teams win 100 games per year, but he's pitching 60 innings per year. He is also mostly overrated by virtue of being a closer. It is the single most overrated "position" in the game.
  20. But really. He's good for what he does, but he doesn't do very much.
  21. I mean, Pap's a good closer. Mariano is the greatest closer of all time, and it was the last ASG in Yankee Stadium. There's no way anyone but Mariano should've closed it out. I also still maintain that Papelbon's not really that good, though I know that is about as close to blasphemy as you can come to many here.
  22. I was talking to people the other day and they all hated him. I thought it was weird, seems like an odd guy to hate, though he does look like a d-bag.
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