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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. So apparently everyone in the world hates Youkilis?
  2. Uggla certainly didn't help them win the game.
  3. He's actually a not half bad defensive 2nd baseman most of the time. One bad game does not make him a DH. He also loses a ton of value if he's not at 2nd.
  4. That was awesome. I was hoping we'd have to see some position players take the mound, personally. I would'ved lold. Uggla looked bad. Let's not forget he hasn't played in 2 weeks, basically, but still.
  5. Glad I missed the Marlins showing the league why they have the worst defense... Yikes.
  6. It's not even a joke, that's the thing. It's defending Obama. Christ... I really don't see how it is tasteless.
  7. Well, yeah. But I added the qualifier in case someone wanted pull some Andrew Carnegie shit out of their ass and adjust it for inflation, or something. That was a lie, but thank you for overlooking my terrible typo there as well.
  8. Which of that reason is all of the wrong ones?
  9. Warren Buffett is one of the most charitably people in the world. What the hell are you trying to say here.
  10. In all fairness, he was probably high as the dickens when he wrote that.
  11. Because you actually think Obama is a terrorist? What are you trying to say here?
  12. I'm not really sure I agree with that, especially since most of the talent shift the last few years has been from the AL to the NL, and most of the great young players are in the NL. I'd say they are at worst, even in talent, though the AL is probably more top heavy. And nothing makes me happier than winning ball games. The Marlins used sac bunts the other day, and they won the game because of it. That was cool. They won the game before because of a home run. Also, the term "wait for the 3 run home run" is so obnoxious.
  13. I would argue small ball (stolen bases, sacrifices, etc.) is the more exciting brand of baseball to watch, but it's not good baseball. It is the reason, in my opinion, that the American league woops the National leagues ass year in and year out. They are playing a more efficient brand of baseball.
  14. You win the individual jerk of the year award, then.
  15. You are talking to someone who's favorite show is South Park. I'm pretty ok with satire in all forms, as long as it's well done. As this is. Plus it's not anything new. That's why it is satire. They are pointing out the ridiculousness of the attacks on him based on that stuff.
  16. Some days I'm in the George Carlin mood, where I just want to kick back and enjoy watching the downfall of western civilization. If we are truly honest with ourselves, we have to accept it as an inevitability, so what does it matter if I'm not doing my part to stall it?
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