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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I took it more along the lines of JUDE finding it ridiculous to say that EVERYONE that believes terrorism is a legitimate threat is doing so only to perpetuate American imperialism in the middle east. OR something.
  2. I just don't get people judging other people's personal choices and taste. If someone likes their coffee, who cares if they've never done a blind taste test.
  4. Who gives a damn what other people like. If they like the coffee, they like the coffee.
  5. I would say you are painting with awfully broad strokes here. The pushing of ethanol as a "green" energy source was absolutely a case of an alternative agenda, and it has done a lot more harm than it ever could have done good (not to mention it is no more "green" than regular gasoline). And many, many companies have taken advantage of "green marketing and have made it into an industry unto itself. I highly doubt that they have altruistic motives. There are good and bad to both sides.
  6. Did anyone ever answer my question about whether or not it was OK to capitalize on fears of global warming, but not terrorism?
  7. I would say they don't only because the type of teams (Aside from the sox in 03) that go with a closer by comittee tend to just not be as good overall, thus they don't have as many good pitchers in general. You put Frankie Rodriguez on the Nationals and he's lucky to have 40 saves at the end of a season. HE GOT A SAVE!!!! HE GAVE HIS TEAM THE WARM FUZZIES IN THEIR TUMMY! GIVE THAT MAN A 15 MILLION A YEAR! Scot Shields has been slightly less effective for more innings than Rodriguez over the course of their careers, and as such, has probably been as valuable, and most people don't know h
  8. Whatever. I'll just say that saying K-rod should win the MVP is almost as dumb as that guy who said Todd Jones should win the Cy Young last year because he lead the league in saves, or something.
  9. Wouldn't a conservative ideology lend itself more to state's rights? Those results seem backwards.
  10. Sure, the psychological impact has a little to do with the game. But it's impact is far overstated. More often than not, teams are not better than their individual talents.
  11. The stay is mostly used by people who aren't aware that there are better options. If K-rod and rauch have the same stats with the exception of saves, then you are giving one guy credit for something he has no effect on; the skill of his teammates. Unless you think frankie makes his teammates better. I hope you don't.
  12. Saves are still overrated. K-rod is having a good season for a closer, he's just had more opportunities than anyone else. He's not having a historic season by any measure other than saves.
  13. You could look back 20 years from now and say the same hting about global warming policies.
  14. So, just so I have it right. Using terrorism for political points: Bad. Using global warming for political points: A-Ok. Cool.
  15. I actually think in some cases (maybe this one), there can be positive outcomes to that type of action by politicians, but the ends don't really justify the means.
  16. Well, yeah, but your reasoning for it makes it sound altruistic. Democrats are politicians too, and they'll do as much to take advantage of a situation as republicans (and you are fooling yourself if you think otherwise).
  17. I hope you don't criticize the right for 'exploiting' people's terrorism fears. And I don't agree that the right made it a political issue. Both sides actively took sides on the issue.
  18. I think democrats have definitely taken advantage of the public's global warming fears for political gain. It didn't become the party's pet issue until it became a big thing amongst voters.
  19. I got chills watching Let It Be on Youtube. Must've been insane to be there for this show.
  20. That's a common problem for hispanic stars, and it's kind of sad that reporters still tend to portray them as dimwitted because of their lack of skill with the language.
  21. Oh definitely. He's on the shortlist of greatest right handed hitters ever, and whole books will be written about him. There is an idea amongst some fans that he isn't the brightest fellow out there, but I'd bet that's not even remotely true. He's gotta be such an entertaining interview.
  22. I don't think it is either, but having to cancel two shows in New York doesn't help you alot.
  23. Ugh, I feel awful for them. I really felt like this record was going to push them to another level, and this is just terrible timing.
  24. 8 beers in and I want nothing more than to run around my house jumping off furniture doing windmills. What an achievement this album is. There's like 6 (at most) individual melodies on the whole damn thing, and yet it's beautiful...
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