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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I thought all religions were evil and told everyone to kill people and piss on science books? How can any good come from a religious group?
  2. Well, I turn 20 on Friday, so I'm having some people over to celebrate that. Other than that, probably working Saturday and Sunday, so don't go to the movies. Stay home with your families!
  3. I said it was the last thing. Now we can go back to calling Bush a nazi and saying he's worse than Stalin, or whatever it is you kids do in these threads.
  4. One more thing and I'm done: It doesn't matter if you mean to be offensive or not. There was no point in saying what you said, or indeed, in any of the things you say about religion, and most of the things you do say about religion come off as you meaning to belittle people who do believe in it. If you can't see why people talking about playboy and beavers doesn't require the same amount of handslapping as you belittling people's religion then I guess there's nothing anyone can do for you.
  5. Yeah, there are a lot of players who deserve to start in the all star game. You can make a legitimate argument that none of the starters in the outfield in the NL deserve to be there.
  6. Not quite, but I will say, if you own an automatic weapon, wouldn't you want to go all Rambo on some terrorists? Isn't that the point?
  7. I had a pleasent time in the upper deck at the Cell, though it was quite cold and wet.
  8. Oh and, yeah, there will not be a draft. Me worrying about McCain or anyone reinstating the draft would be akin to me worrying about Canada invading.
  9. I think most people just don't have the time or energy to worry about something that just isn't going to happen.
  10. Walk offs are awesome. God, I do love this team. If Josh Johnson pitches well when he comes back, this is a playoff team.
  11. Well, I don't think it would make a difference, but yeah I guess it would've been a nice "rah rah" mission accomplished kind of thing. But really, I'd guess if he's even alive (not likely) he hasn't had a hand in day to day Al Queada operations in 5 or 6 years.
  12. I'm sorry my explanations aren't good enough for you? In the grand scheme of things, their actions don't piss me off that much. There. Who gives a fuck why that is? I'm not angry. Any reason I give to you will not satisfy you, and I don't really care. To be honest, I've gotten past the point of trying to explain my beliefs in anything more than superficial terms on message boards. Mostly because I don't have many concrete ones. My views are subject to change, and I don't like to dig myself a hole that I'll have to try to explain my way out of.
  13. You are asking me to be angry about this, but I don't think it's as bad as you do. Thus, I'm not as angry as you. I'm pretty pissed that Weezer hasn't announced a tour yet, but I don't expect you to get mad about it, even though I realize that Wilco cancelling in Charleston was probably worse.
  14. I suppose I just can't bring myself to get that angry about it. Call it complacency, blame it on my youth and lack of real worries or problems, but I'm just not mad. Our country has been responsible for a lot worse, but today, we know more about it with more frequency.
  15. I like it when Aman pretends he's an outsider on the board. Good bit.
  16. I think there's a thread about this somewhere. Use the search option. Actually, it is subjective. Calm down.
  17. Doesn't mean you weren't trying to offend. Woah. It just got real.
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