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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I understand it was part of his package, I still think Mantle was the better player. They had identical slugging percentages, and Mantle actually hit home runs at a better pace than Mays, and Mantle has a much higher OBP. So it's a question of which do you value more: Longevity or peak. I'll take Mantle's peak over Mays' career length. Really looking at it, they were pretty remarkably similar offensive players with one exception: Mantle walked a hell of a lot more.
  2. I just can't see that. That would require putting more emphasis on Mays' defense and the years he spent later in his career padding his stats than I am really comfortable with. I mean, he had 25% more plate appearances than Mantle, so that pretty makes up for the difference in counting stats. Much of Mays' legacy is based on 2 things: 660 and his defense. 660 vs. 523 is not insignificant, but neither is .424 vs. .384, which are their OBPs. They had identical slugging percentages, and Mantle played in a more favorable offensive environment to boot. Basically, the only way I can put Mays ab
  3. I think so. Mays was a tremendous center fielder, but Mantle was quite a bit more valuable as a hitter. Mays has more steals, but Mantle stole bases at a much better rate, so I'd actually give him the edge there. Mickey wasn't a terrible center fielder either, so it's not like we're talking about a huge gap there. I think given Mantle's edge with the bat, he's the better player. If I continued my list, it would probably have Mays somewhere around 6th, I would guess. Maybe 7th,
  4. I know it's sarcasm, but I'll bite. Williams was probably the superior hitter (to anyone in baseball history), but Bonds is probably the better all around player. Bonds played in an inflated offensive environment, but he was the superiors defensive player and base stealer. Does that make up the difference? I'm not sure. If it doesn't, it's damn close. They are 2a and 2b in baseball history after Ruth. I'd rank position players in major league history something like this: 1. Ruth 2. Williams 3. Bonds 4. Mantle 5. Cobb And yeah, I don't think Rice deserves an honorable mention, but I'm
  5. Picasso's Last Words. The Grand Old Painter Died Last Night His Paintings On The Wall Before He Went He Bade Us Well And Said Goodnight To Us All. Drink To Me, Drink To My Health You Know I Can't Drink Any More Drink To Me, Drink To My Health You Know I Can't Drink Any More 3 O'clock In The Morning I'm Getting Ready For Bed It Came Without A Warning But I'll Be Waiting For You Baby I'll Be Waiting For You There So Drink To Me Drink To My Health You Know I Can't Drink Any More Drink To Me Drink To My Health You Know I Can't Drink Any More
  6. Sounds like good times! I'll start working on mine immediatly.
  7. Emperor's New Groove is probably the only movie out of those Disney ones that I like. Most of the Disney movies are on Par with the Dreamworks ones, but man, those are some bad movies Dreamworks has put out...
  8. I mean, I guess that's a fair argument to make. Age is always a good place to go in internet discussions. I would argue that Bonds was probably the superior defensive player, relative to the position he played. In his prime, Barry might have been the best defensive left fielder of all time. And you could argue his best seasons might have been pre-steroids, and if not, they were damn close.
  9. If a borderline top 5 player is the unanimous choice for #1, I would argue he is at least slightly overrated.
  10. Not really. Like I said, he's a likable player, and he's the type of player that is easy to love, so I understand why he is as well liked as he is. He'd be a top 10, maybe 5 player of his era in my opinion. But that's a lot lower than most people's opinions, isn't it?
  11. I mean, if I had said A-Rod or Vlad Guerrero or any other contemporary of his would it have mattered? When discussing a player's place in history, it would seem natural to compare him to other players who played in the same era. Maybe overrated is too strong a word? Maybe people dislike the connotations of it? All I know is that I don't think Griffey's nearly as good as everyone else seems to.
  12. They could be Disney over the past 9 years.
  13. I'm not sure what your point is. I think he's overrated. That's pretty much it. Still an all time great, but probably not one of the 5 best CFers of all time, and certainly not the greatest player of the 90's. I also think even if he hadn't gotten injured, that probably wouldn't have changed my opinion.
  14. He's not overrated now, but his legacy is. He was pretty much never the best player in baseball, but he was always the most loved and most often cited as the best player. Barry Bonds was always a better player than him. Griffey's a great player, and he said hi to me one time, and he seems like one of the more likable superstars, and I love the way he interracts with hecklers and takes it lal in stride, and he made alot of diving catches and stuff, and had a lot of endorsements and stuff. But he was not, in my opinion, anything close to the best player in the 90's. This is why I feel he was ove
  15. Yeah, that makes me like him less. And, Uncle Wilco, I'm having a damned hard time trying to find anything that you've posted in this thread that can show me how Barack's policies aren't in line with those of the bible. They might not be in line with the evangelical community as a whole, but I'm of the opinion that a lot of those people lost sight of the bible somewhere along the way. Care to explain exactly why Obama's views are so far out of line with Evangelicals? And please don't say gay marriage.
  16. Oh, I thought Dreamworks did Ice Age. Oh well.
  17. I don't see what difference it makes one way or the other. Seems like a fair thing to say since, on the night of being only the 6th player in major league history who has reached 600 home runs, it would seem like the right time to discuss his legacy.
  18. Wish it hadn't come against the Marlins, but congrats to Griff. Even though he's probably the most overrated player of the last 15 years, he's still pretty damn good.
  19. Ice Age was better than anything Disney's done sans Pixar since at least Mulan, maybe even since Hercules.
  20. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Huckabee seems like the only person out of all of the candidates that seems like a fun person to be around.
  21. It looks a hell of a lot better than Zohan, the other new movie this week.
  22. KFP looks great from the bits I've seen at work.
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