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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I am Caliber's calling people on their shits.
  2. I tend to give him the benefit of the doubt that he did think he was doing the right thing by invading Iraq, even if there were also some ulterior motives involved. Mostly because I don't see how he personally profited from this. I think it was a political agenda that was implemented poorly. Invading Iraq, if done right, could have been a not gigantic fuck mess. This is where the incompetence comes in. I also think if he or anyone in his cabinet knew when and where we were going to be attacked they would have stopped it. I don't buy into any of those theories. I think it's easy to mistake
  3. Ok. I'd say 1 of 3 presidents in history going for reelection lose.
  4. I think it's more that I've become a less angry person than anything to do with him.
  5. I don't think he's ever been competent. I don't think Kerry was either. I also think it's pretty unfair to get mad at his reelection, as it is pretty rare for a president to run for reelection and not win.
  6. I did not vote for Bush. I was 16. I wouldn't have voted for him then, but I've mellowed out in my distaste for him since then. Like I said, I think he's merely incompetent, rather than flat out evil.
  7. I think it is a value judgment. I don't see how anyone can judge what they would have tried to do, but the real question is if they would have made the right choice. That's the part that is up to conjecture to me.
  8. I think he's referring more to the outcome of those decisions. You can say what they might have done, but you can't make a value judgment on them.
  9. I'm gonna have to disagree. But then again, I don't think Bush is nearly as evil as most of you do. Just incompetent.
  10. Well, given what calling 9/11 our "reichstag" implies, I think it's not a leap to assume that people were trying to imply that.
  11. Weren't people implying earlier on in this thread that Bush was responsible for 9/11? Like, the reichstag comments, and all that? So if Gore won, that wouldn't have happened either. Man, what an asshole.
  12. Well, for what it's worth, given our country's history, if Gore wins in 00, he probably wins again in 04, and so we'd almost certainly be looking at a republican president now. That's how it works.
  13. Seriously. Fucking stupid stuff in this thread. God damn...
  14. The scenes on Earth were stunning, but in a very somber way. The trip from earth to the Axiom was breathtaking.
  15. Wall-E was amazing. I love that the last two Pixar movies have been very slow moving. There's no forced action, everything just feels natural and happens naturally. I think Wall-E and Ratatouille are my two favorites (not to mention both are among the most visually stunning movies ever created.)
  16. I don't see Buerhle pitching much beyond his early 30's. It's rare for a pitcher with a low strikeout rate to sustain that (Glavine being one example of a guy who could).
  17. Then what's the point of doing that? The only reason I can see someone doing that is so that they can go "AHA! You don't really believe what you believe! Gotcha!" It seems dumb.
  18. I will never understand why people try to back religious folks into logical traps like that. Live and let live, people.
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