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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. In 5 years we'll be wondering what kind of career Edison Volquez and Johnny Cueto might have had if it weren't for Dusty.
  2. I'll be playing bass with a few guys I work with who all seem really cool and really knowledgable about music, so if anything comes out of that, I'll put it up here.
  3. I don't get why people are either surprised or dissapointed when celebrities turn out to be just a sucseptible to the bad things the rest of the population are.
  4. That is nice. I'll be buying this one for sure.
  5. It's the closest thing to a punk song Wilco's ever done that I have heard, despite it's length, which would make it longer than most punk songs.
  6. "At My Window Sad And Lonely" is apparently in The Strangers.
  7. It's the closest thing to a punk song Wilco's ever done.
  8. I requested this song at the Living Room Show 2 years ago and I have some friends who make fun of me for it because on the recording, I kind of stammer and stutter. Jeff: Who's next? Chris? Me: Uh.... Dreamerinmydreams?
  9. I'm going to start working on one in the fall. Probably go with a telecaster body and see if there's a way I can get some P-90 pickups on there. I need to actually look into how to get this done, as I know absolutely nothing about guitar building, but I'd like to start.
  10. I know a guy who is a big fan of this song.
  11. If they count FL/MI and she gets the nom, it's going to kill the democratic party. Now, there just needs to be something to kill the republican party and we'll have some real change in this country.
  12. The Pinapple Express looks like it's gonna be the funniest movie of the year, and the curious Case of Benjamin Button looks really good.
  13. I remember the time I sort of talked to this guy on the phone. It was magical.
  14. If any of them pick on you, you have my permission to fight them. Don't let them push you around.
  15. But really, keep in touch. Don't let kids at your new school pick on you.
  16. I miss you so much it hurts sometimes...
  17. I don't know how much we have in common, but I'd love to go to a Weezer show with Pigsooie and rock out to "Troublemaker".
  18. It'd be mostly guys from 1820-1920. They might not have done as much damage since the office of the presidency was much weaker then, but there were some pretty corrupt dudes there.
  19. I'm not saying your opinion isn't valid, but you seem so set in your opinions that it isn't worth discussing it with you. That goes for most people on this board. It isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it is what it is. I don't support Bush even a little bit, but I also don't think he's near as bad as many here do. The economy works in cycles, I'm not going to blame this cycle on him anymore than I give Clinton credit for the good economy during his years. He's probably the worst President in a long time (probably since the 20's), but he'd probably not crack the top 10 in terms of most corru
  20. Obama supporters really got mad about the RFK comment? That was the biggest nothing comment ever, come on guys.
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