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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I'm only 2 songs in, but I've heard about half of them live, and I like them alot. "Hang On" is one of the better songs they've ever done. Toby Leaman is one of my favorite singers right now.
  2. I had read he's been bitching about being 4th outfielder and has been asking for a trade.
  3. The way I look at it, how can anyone logically support cutting taxes and increasing spending? If you cut taxes, you have to decrease spending. If you increase taxes, you should increase spending. Is my math wrong here?
  4. I imagine if I were a Red Sox fan, I'd be really annoyed with Coco Crisp this season.
  5. I always liked Javy Lopez. He's one of my uncle's best friend's from Puerto Rico, so I've met him a few times. Those Braves teams were stacked in the 90's. Arguably the greatest rotation of all time.
  6. Speed Racer. And it was really good.
  7. Can I just say, I know numerous supporters of Obama who have bitched about Bush not winning the general election in 00 but have been pointing out that Hilarry didn't win within the system and all that.
  8. Tay Zonday and Brian Bell do Pork and Beans. This band rules.
  9. I would think it would be the summer of 2013, but I'm not very good at math.
  10. Isn't Bobby Cox retiring after this year? How awesome would the 2013 HOF ceremony be if Smoltz, Glavine, Maddux, and Cox all got in. I hate the Braves, but I respect the hell out of those guys.
  11. I'm just saying, it's going to be really interesting to watch how desperate democrats are going to get in this election.
  12. There are some who would argue Obama's race makes him much less qualified to be president than McCain's age. I think they are both absolute non-issues, I think its just going to be really entertaining to watch democrats continue to bitch and moan about how "unfair" Rove's campaign tactics are and then take a few right out of his playbook. I hate politics...
  13. Of course not! This is a liberal forum!
  14. I would probably laugh if the Red Sox got Bonds. Probably.
  15. Did anyone else see McClellan on the Daily show last night? Was anyone else as bored by the interview after the first 5 minutes of Stewart just shouting at him? That was seriously O'Reilly-esque levels of obnoxiousness. I epxect better of Jon...
  16. I thought it was funny, but only because of the bit about being able to say things like that now.
  17. Been playing this one a lot lately. Can't wait for the new one.
  18. Dreamer In My Dreams was the only way they could close out the Residency, imho.
  19. I kind of like it as is. If I ever release an album, I'm stealing that title.
  20. He used Volquez on one day's rest the other day. He hasn't.
  21. I thought I read that Sky Blue Sky had a working title of "What I Hate About Rock & Roll (And What I Love About It)".
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