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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I thought it was DP on the back from now on. There was a big deal made because Reilly went to ESPN and Patrick went to SI.
  2. Have not read the issue, but I'm sure it is. They are always pretty good.
  3. And man, Jorge, that's some crazy stuff. Does not bode well for the future of that team.
  4. Dan Uggla is playing absolutely insane right now.
  5. I think there are hundreds of song writers out there who have or are writing songs as good as Dylan's best, but Dylan will always get the credit because he came first. Dylan is influential because he came first, but if it wasn't Dylan, it would've been someone else. Same with the Beatles. Their situations are unique because of their talents, yes, but also the time and culture they came out of.
  6. > ? I'll take Paul over any of these guys. He has the most bad songs, sure, but he also has far and away the most good ones (in my opinion of course). If I had to choose one song writer to listen to forever, it's going to be Paul. From the Beatles to Wings to his recent solo stuff, there's so many good songs.
  7. Was it off a knuckleballer? He rocks them.
  8. At least he didn't dive for it. Seriously, why do people think that just because you dive you made a great play. His signature play (The straight back, over the shoulder dive) is a very nice play, but he looks like a little leaguer on his way to make the catch. A better Centerfielder would have been under it, which describes most of his "web gem" plays.
  9. Also, Edmond's catch on the hill in Center was not a great catch.
  10. I would assume he caught Al Leiter (96), Kevin Brown (97), and AJ Burnett's (01) for the Marlins. Also, Brian Bannister is one of my favorite players in the league. He seems really intelligent and he's not afraid to talk to the media.
  11. I'm still trying to figure out what this means. Should I just give theMaker the benefit of the doubt and assume it doesn't mean anything and that he was just throwing words up onto his post at random to see if anyone noticed?
  12. I think some of us are forgetting that it's all about your own personal tastes. I prefer Jeff's music, though I won't pretend that Dylan isn't the more important artist. Dylan has one album that is among my top 5 of all time (same number Jeff has). Bob probably doesn't have another in my top 50. Jeff's got at least 1. Dylan probably sneaks into my top 10 songwriters of all time.
  13. "Hate It Here" is soulful as hell.
  14. Actually, that Delgado move wasn't bad for them. Aren't they only paying about half of his contract? And they didn't give up anyone who has even made the big leagues with the Marlins yet.
  15. I really don't think this team is all that much better than what it has shown. I really thought they would be, but that's because I didn't think Delgado would be as bad as he was last year and this year. I thought he'd come back. Since he hasn't, they are what they are. Santana is a number 1, Maine probably is a number 2, Perez and Pelfrey are borderline 3-4. Their rotation is solid, but not spectacular after Santana, and their pen is ok. But the offense is terribly overrated. The fact that Church has been carrying them does not bode well. Reyes has not improved how I thought he would follow
  16. Or maybe the pitching finally came back down to Earth following some ridiculously flukey performances early last season and the offense isn't nearly as good as ESPN wants you to think it is. Maybe Jose Reyes isn't all that great. Maybe David Wright and Beltran are the only real plus offensive performers and the defense overall isn't that good. Is it Willie Randolph's fault that he just doesn't have a great team? I don't care how much money they spend on it if they don't spend it wisely.
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