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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I've got the auxillary port on my Rav 4, which is nice, but since I'm driving my dad's Mazda for the summer, I had to trade AC for the aux port. Now I've got 2 300 CD cases in my car.
  2. Kurt would be so pissed off that Dave Grohl is having a good time with his bandmates while he is dead. What an asshole!
  3. Drive By Truckers- The Righteous Path I got a brand new car that drinks a bunch of gas I got a house in a neighborhood that
  4. My 80 GB died a few months back and it's been hell. The sound on my PC doesn't work, so I almost never get to listen to music...
  5. I meant to say "Reading Moby Dick and doing a crossword puzzle."
  6. I'm so glad Yeti's back to being healthy! Eleanor was the laziest I've ever seen her today. She was just lying on her side and back all day in the living room watching me watch TV. It was cute.
  7. I'm pretty sure there are people on here who think mine is the dumbest generation because of my membership.
  8. I can cook pretty well. All the Good Eats I watch has given me some great tips, though I've never actually made any of his recipes. And I'm starting work at a movie theatre tomorrow night. It's not much pay, but I'll also be doing the newspaper again so it'll be nice to have one job that requires no thought.
  9. I've seen studies that show that video gamers have improved coordination and problem solving skills. So why is it written off as such a terrible alternative? Sure, you don't want an 8 year old playing Grand Theft Auto, but that isn't the game's fault that 8 year olds are playing. It's the parents for allowing it into their homes. I actually find WoW to be really boring, but it certainly has it's merits, and as someone who has 22,000 posts on a message board, I'm in no place to criticize the obsessiveness with which some view the game.
  10. Well, that is sort of like saying "I hate music because if you are listening to it, it has already been made. There's nothing left to do with it."
  11. I'm actually surprised that video games have remained a form of "low culture" as long as they have. There is very little "serious" criticism of the genre, and it is dismissed still as leisure, as if reading or listening to music or watching movies are somehow less leisurely activities. It is the most active form of entertainment you can partake in, but since it came out of arcades and is generally enjoyed mostly by teenage males (that least of intellectual demographics), it has yet to be taken seriously by intellectuals. Which may be why video games are becoming more and more popular amongst
  12. "The Greatest Man That Ever Lived" could be the only good song on the new album and it would be better than Make Believe.
  13. I suppose the fact that I hate most vegetables doesn't help. Gonna start forcing myself to eat them until I develop a taste, I suppose.
  14. I tend to not put too much stock into the whole "Mapping of the Human Genome" thing, because I don't really think it will ever be able to do what they want it to. Human genes are so complex, and to further complicate things, I believe most strands of DNA in our body are, as far as we know, junk. They don't say anything, and exist only to reproduce themselves. I think it is absolutely fascinating stuff that I can't even begin to understand (And I half expect the first half of this post is totally incorrect), but I think there are those who put too much emphasis on the genetic side of things.
  15. I understand, and try to do this, but it sucks that I can get a shit tonne of food from McDonalds for like 5 bucks, and that equivalent at a whole foods store or won't buy me a loaf of bread. I understand the costs behind the production of each, but that doesn't mean I can't bitch about it.
  16. Can we just discuss how fucking unreasonably expensive it is to eat healthily in this country?
  17. I still have a problem with people using small samples to judge an entire segment of the population. One person, one group of people, even 500 people in one town could tell you very little about an entire population spread across a couple thousand scare miles. Using that small sample to judge the whole population isn't bigotted, per se, but it is definitely stereotyping, which is frowned upon in all cases except, apparently with age. And I am most certainly not writing genetics off. I agree 100% with Ikol here, it is a very complicated mixture of genetics and upbringing, and I have my doubts
  18. That is actually evidence that nature, in very specific cases, trumps nurture. Since, you know, you are citing a very rare circumstance being tested.
  19. My parents were hardly the doting type, so, again either I'm the exception, or these broad generalizations aren't all that true. Either one is possible. Sorry if I'm coming off as defensive, but why is it perfectly acceptable for someone to write a book like this when it is, in essence, exactly the same as writing a book called "Hispanics: The Dumbest Race". Making broad, sweeping generalizations to put down a group of people regardless of whether you are attacking race, age, gender, or whatever is stupid and almost always completely and totally incorrect, or at the very least, wildly innacc
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