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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Trying to get into them before Bonnaroo
  2. Well, we have a Coffee Bean here. Just saying.
  3. Charlos and I listen to similar music sometimes. As well as Ction.
  4. You are the type of person who isn't worth discussing politics with.
  5. Imagine if you didn't finish your meal and got a styrofoam to-go box, though. Al Gore would flip his shit.
  6. I think we have a Coffee Bean next door to where I work. They do open mike nights 2 times a week, I'm considering going to do it one night.
  7. Plus you missed me in Orlando by 3 weeks (I'll be there in the next week). Also, cue the "Uncle Tupelo reunion" threads in the next 2 hours.
  8. Tough loss, especially going into Philly where they can't stop hitting the ball. But I'm not worried, the Marlins aren't so bad at the plate either. I have long dreams about how many home runs our team would hit in their park full time.
  9. So tonight in this game, Luis Castillo, Endy Chavez and Aflredo Amezaga have homered. That's like 4 homers total on the season, 3 of them tonight. And Mike Rabelo hit his 2nd. Kind of funny.
  10. Sometimes extra innings baseball is fun. Sometimes it is completely nerve wracking.
  11. Cody Ross is some kind of strange hitter. 8 of his last 9 hits are home runs.
  12. I don't blame Raimi for Spiderman 3. I think there was pressure from the studio to appease the diehards and so he was forced to put Venom in in a bigger role than he had wanted. I think that is why it feels so rushed and inconsistent. I expected Venom to be a very minor player in that one and I think it would have been a much better movie for it.
  13. I think Mandarin's gotta be in it. And from what I've read, the alcoholism will be a big part of the 2nd movie. I'm guessing the 2nd one has some sort of reference to War Machine in the title. I still can't get over how good that movie was. It wasn't quite Batman Begins level as a film, but from a pure entertainment standpoint, it's hard to top. It was everything the last Spiderman should have been.
  14. My 5 favorite weezer videos: 1. Buddy Holly 2. El Scorcho 3. Keep Fishing 4. Pork and Beans 5. The Good Life
  15. Yeah, that video is spectacular. You are no fun.
  16. That's what I thought. I'd definitely like to see them work that into the Avengers movie. So the plan for Marvel Studios is this? Iron Man (08) Hulk (08) First Avenger: Captain America (09) Thor (09) Iron Man 2 (10) Avengers (10) I'd be interested in seeing if they make Avengers and Iron Man 2 happen at the same time, with Stark bowing out of IM2 for the Avengers and the movie focusing more on Rhodes taking over as Iron Man at first and then eventually becoming War Machine. I don't think the new Hulk looks bad, but it's such a difficult character to translate to the big screen because
  17. From everything I've read, it's stark in the Hulk. RD Jr is listed amongst the cast as Tony Stark. Wasn't there some kind of conflict between Hulk and Iron Man in the comics?
  18. Ah shit, I missed it! Happy birthday (late).
  19. I've had work during each of the first two games, and I don't have Versus at home. But I think I'm gonna go watch game 3 with my dad and his buddies from college who all grew up in pittsburgh. Actually game three is on NBC. Nice.
  20. So as Jay Bruce and Clayton Kershaw, arguably the top hitting and pitching prospects in baseball, make their ways up from the minors, I thought it was a good time to bring up something I read recently in Bill James' 2008 handbook: According to him, there has never been as much good young talent in the history of the league as now.
  21. Carolina Drama- The Raconteurs
  22. Pen's 3rd best ERA in the majors. Pirates have more errors. Starters have an ERA of about 3.5 in May. Only outperforming their Pythagoreon W/L by 2 or 3 games at this point. They are looking less and less flukey as their pitching has improved over the last month.
  23. Maybe the Marlins are making them look like crap, eh? Marlins and Rays have the best records in baseball. Man, I'd love a Sunshine State series, but that's getting way too far ahead of myself. And man, the Mets just look mopey out there on the field. Man up and play some ball, boys.
  24. Hey, Bjorn. This is pretty much it, right? If the Mets don't sweep this series, Willie's gotta be gone. If the Marlins can take 2 out of 3, I'll be convinced they are legit. Big series both ways, huh?
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