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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. We were just talking about that! Happy birthday, Jorge!
  2. I believe it may result in an overall decline in intelligence, but since almost everything in this thread has been anectdotal, I'm pretty sure the ratio of intelligent to dumb amongst the adults and teenagers I know is about the same. Dumb people are dumb people regardless of age.
  3. I agree that people read less. This probably goes for everyone, not just teenagers, though I don't have anything more than anecdotal evidence to back this up. But they only read less because there is an abundance of other things to do. Literature is hit the hardest because it is the least immediately gratifying. This makes perfect sense. I think it has less to do with a decline in intelligence and more to do with an over abundance of mediums of entertainment, which is another discussion altogether.
  4. I hope not, though Crabman is great. I think the thing about both shows is they have such strong ensemble casts that they could probably lose a main character without hurting too much. By the way, this last weeks episode of Earl was one of my favorites of the entire series. So good.
  5. I realize I'm fighting a losing battle here, because there is one "dumb" representative of my generation arguing against the best and brightest our world has ever had to offer (until my generation is in your shoes, and then we get to do that as well), but I'm just going to say a few more things: 1. Most of the arguments against teenagers are based on extremely broad generalizations. I don't think I fall into any of the reasons he says, and I don't think I'm falling into your generalizations, yet I'm sure you would consider me the exception and Emily the rule, despite both of us representing
  6. I think it is absolutely possible. But I don't think it is happening here. I think, in the case of the author of this book, he is making generalizations about things that some teenagers do that he doesn't like. So, in order to generate discussion and make a "buzzworthy" book, he took those things that annoy him and made broad generalizations that don't have much grounding outside of his subjective world view. I will say that he tries to save himself there at the end, but in doing so he blows off his entire point from the previous 7 slides. By writing it all of as the ignorance of youth, he
  7. And what way are they? How do they have a glaring sense of entitlement? I'm honestly curious, because I couldn't even begin to try to explain to someone else what you mean by that. I'll stand by my sentiment that it is teenagers jobs to piss older people off, and it is older people's jobs to get all pissed off at teenagers. It's been happening since the dawn of time. Teenagers could be polite, drug free, and listen to only classical music, and people in their 30's would be getting pissed off at them anyways. It's what happens. It is easy (and a lot of fun) to hate on an amorphous body like "
  8. Teenagers have always been like that. And adults have always complained about teenagers. And then, in 10-15 years, these teenagers will be complaining about the teenagers of their time, even though they told themselves they wouldn't 10-15 years ago.
  9. Dumb. I read the first one and decided it was dumb. I probably decided it was dumb before I read the first one, but that definitely cemented it. It's easy to look back now and say "Man, my generation was so smart when were young." You weren't. If you remember being smart as a teenager, then you are just projecting your accumulated experiences and knowledge on your teenage self. But I'm sure most teenagers throughout time have been idiots.
  10. I'm not saying he's a bad defensive player, but he's definitely not deserving of all of those gold gloves and the reputation he has. He basically won them on a couple of spectacular catches. He's impressive as hell in that he'll put his body on the line, but he doesn't have the range to be a premiere defensive player. Grady Sizemore is having the same thing happen to him, as is David Wright. And Jeter, of course. They've made some flat out ridiculous plays, but their overall defensive abilities aren't elite. They've gained a reputation because most people's ideas on fielding are based on th
  11. I'm gonna go ahead and disagree with this one. Edmonds is the most overrated defensive outfielder I've ever seen. Making diving catches because you get bad jumps and take stupid routes to the ball does not make you a good defensive player, and from all accounts, he's been flat out awful this year.
  12. Dan Uggla is a man possessed right now. He's such a frustrating player, sometimes. He'll look like Barry fucking Bonds for 2 weeks and then look like he doesn't belong in the majors the next.
  13. I lolled when people were saying before the season that the Marlins offense wasn't going to be good because they lost Cabrera. Losing Cabrera sucks, but this team could hit no matter what. Sure they miss him, but there's 4 legit 30 home run guys on that team.
  14. 7 game winning streak for the Marlins! Everything I know about baseball is telling me this team isn't this good, but maybe we're the 07 Diamondbacks.
  15. These guys put on a hell of a show last Friday night, really happy I ended up going. All of the new songs were killer. Much darker sounding.
  16. Hanley close to signing a 6 year, 70 million dollar deal. OMGOMGOMGOMG I hope. You know, it's really sad that I'm getting this exciting over my team doing what every other team in the majors does, but fuck it. I want this guy in teal and black for life.
  17. I still think he's got the coolest kicks on the team.
  18. Weezer Pinkerton Weezer Maladroit Make Believe Weezer
  19. I've been to 2 festivals that WP has closed and I left both festivals early.
  20. Actually, I'm going to the game, but I'm going to pretend the Twins are actually the Yankees. It will be soooo much more exciting that way.
  21. Going to the Twins-Red Sox game on Saturday, that should be fun.
  22. Even the rap totally works since it's so goofy. I love it. "Dreamin'" is totally terrific too. Sounds like they are having fun with this record.
  23. Ok, seriously, how awesome is "The Greatest Man That Ever Live"? I can't listen to it without smiling. So much fun.
  24. Even using pitchfork numbers, I don't think their ratings would change for me. Just toss a ".0" behind 'em and away you go.
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