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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I'd be down to read The Things They Carried again, as I'm sure you would.
  2. I think the cartoon network Clone War shorts are probably my favorite star wars related media since Empire.
  3. I'm assuming they don't realize it's a kids movie.
  4. That's not really a response, to what I think is a legitimate point. If she's to be criticized for her work with charity because she, in your eyes, did nothing but perpetuate poverty, how does that differ from pretty much every other sort of humanitarian aid which, in the end, perpetuates poverty?
  5. I'd like to live in a world where he didn't have to make an ad out of that.
  6. One of my favorite shirts is a Who shirt I stole from my dad like 8 years ago. I don't know how old it is, but it's got holes in it, so that's good.
  7. Nobody is really sure what you are saying.
  8. Upgrade your modem, save the world.
  9. I've caught bits and pieces of it at work and it's pretty visually impressive. It's very much a stylized version of star wars, but it looks damn good on the big screen. Seems like a kids movie for sure, though.
  10. So people really think McCain is the only one throwing shit, huh?
  11. I'm not putting any words into your mouth. I'm drawing conclusions based on your words, as you so often do. What did I say there that is putting words into your mouth?
  12. Still, the counter culture was nice and all, but it really wasn't a realistic way to either go about bringing change or live. We've seen examples of the style of life that was being espoused and it just doesn't work. I'm guessing Utopia looks a lot nicer on LSD.
  13. Really? You like that he might be connected to someone who advocated the violent overthrow of the government?
  14. One could argue, then, that someone who feeds the hungry is also perpetuating poverty. RIght?
  15. So she didn't do anything good, then? She deserves nothing but scorn and hate? Cool.
  16. Why are you arguing with her being sainted if you don't believe in it? She did good work in her life, and the majority of her work had a positive outcome. You can point out the faults in anyone, but that doesn't write off all of the good they did. If she wasn't a christian hero, you wouldn't give a shit.
  17. Thats the great thing about art, if you connect with it, you can find ways for it define your world view.
  18. Jack Johnson is far more popular than Wilco (And, being that I actually like him, he puts on a pretty great show.) I was wary of him getting the sunset show on the main stage at Bonnaroo on Saturday, but it was really really great. The crowd was into it and he's a very likeable performer.
  19. Is he going to be traded to the Yankees?
  20. No, Joe Girardi didn't like him enough to try to ruin his career, I guess.
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