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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. If someone preferred the high school band, I wouldn't say they were wrong. It is all subjective.
  2. Except I really do hold them. I might personally prefer certain bands, but I'm not going to hold it against somebody else because they don't. It's taste. I can fully understand why people don't like Bob Dylan, or why they might prefer Blink 182.
  3. I might be up anyways watching the Red Sox-Athletics game. This might be the perfect soundtrack.
  4. I'm not sure where I implied this. You can like whoever you like for whatever reason you want. I don't think I ever made a judgment on why you like them. I personally don't like them. (And I especially don't get the love for VU&N. Nico's songs bore me to tears.)
  5. I think you missed when I said "I feel if something moves one person, it has artistic merit." I'm discounting the VU because I think their importance is overstated, mostly because they don't mean anything to the average person. They have their place, but I think their impact is lessened because of their narrow scope of influence.
  6. Absolutely there is no such thing as "good" anything. I feel if something moves one person, it has artistic merit. I am supposed to feel intellectually inferior because I (and about 90% of the population) would rather listen to Van Halen than the Velvet Underground. Just because the VU are somehow "better" or "more important". Get out of here. I deal with this a lot because a lot of the stuff I like isn't considered "good" by the taste makers. Of course, a lot of the stuff that most people like isn't considered "good", so who is wrong, then? The answer is nobody. I just don't see why so many
  7. Maybe it's just that I can't bring myself to believe there is such a thing as "good" music. It's all taste. All of it.
  8. Since it's your opinion, I would, yeah. Especially if you treated it as fact. More idiotic than if I say they are only important because they matter to a small group of influential people?
  9. Because it's pretty much the best insult there is.
  10. So much more interesting and fun to watch/listen to? That is actually a surprisingly good analogy. And hey, Jesus, guess what. There's no such thing as universal good taste. Stop trying to pretend there is. You'll be a lot more fun to discuss things with. If I like VH's debut better than VU's, that doesn't mean I'm "wrong."
  11. Who cares what some artists say? Van Halen meant more to more people than the Velvet Underground ever will. I think this comes down to a difference between populism and elitism. The elites in art would be the artists, so you think their opinion matters more than the majority. I think this is kind of ridiculous. But whatever. Plus, you are kind of pretentious, so I wouldn't mind if you ignored me.
  12. It's because I'm a teenager. Green day. blah blah blah pretentious.
  13. Well, I also find them pretty boring (with the exception of "Oh! Sweet Nuthin'", which is ace,) so I could care less about their importance. They may be influential, but I don't think they are important. Not in the big scheme of things, anyways. Van Halen (for instance) is a way more important band because they actually mattered to a lot of people. And all of that said, your post still makes no sense. You've said some things in this thread.
  14. Ok. Are you trying to make a point, or are you just typing at this point? Why don't you say that I am a teenager again. There's only 3 months left for you to say it, get them in while you can.
  15. The VU are only considered well known or important because people who write about music have made them so. Your average music fan has no clue who they are for the most part.
  16. Your average person probably couldn't name a VU song, either. Of course, your average music fan doesn't define what music gets remembered in the history books, so I suppose that doesn't matter.
  17. That second team looks like the better one, but that's not really a good analysis, since it's a smaller league. Either way, an offensive core of Pena, Sizemore, Cabrera, Thome, and Beltran is sick. That looks like a really strong team, but anything can happen in a 9x9.
  18. "Everything Must Belong Somewhere" is a way beyond any "teen angst".
  19. I think Conor Oberst is a better song writer than Jeff Tweedy, but Jeff Tweedy does just about everything else better.
  20. Christ, you're a gigantic dick. Ok, I get it. You don't like me. It's old. Use the ignore button.
  21. How many people care about AM right now?
  22. "Jesus, don't cry." Not "Jesus don't cry." He's using it as an exclamation.
  23. Anyone who bought Garden State knows who the Shins are. Google fight: Wilco + Scarves: 22,700 Green Day + mascara: 206,000 I rest my case.
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