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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Condoms aren't that important. If you need them, get them for free from your university healthy services complex.
  2. I'm actually thinking attendance may raise a bit for Marlins games now that people know the stadium is coming. Knowing the team is going to be here may be enough incentive to bring out 15,000 'real' fans, every night, which would probably look something like 25,000 tickets sold. That might last a few months. Either way, I had a blast today, and will be there this saturday for the Pirates vs. Good Guys (and Bret Michaels!).
  3. Just saying, 3 years ago Mets games weren't like this. Most of them were Yankees fans 3 years ago.
  4. I'm going to give Mets fans the benefit of the doubt and assume most of them aren't like the mouth breathers in SoFla. Only because the SoFla mets fans aren't that much different from the rest of the population.
  5. Pirates fans who think it's 60.
  6. If they were smart, they'd chant evil empire.
  7. I am not a fan of the Mets. I just wish their idiot south florida bandwagon fans would go back to New York if they love the Mets so much. Every single Mets fan there has either a Reyes, Wright, or Santana jersey. Cool.
  8. Ugh. Thats what happens when Mark Hendrickson goes up against Johan Frickin' Santana.
  9. I think that line is perfect. Everything about it, the way he says it, the image it invokes. It's beautiful. Such a great metaphor.
  10. I used to listen to marlins games on the radio when Boog Sciambi did them. He was the best. Now I listen to the actual tv announcers because Tommy Hutton's better than whoever is on the radio now. Hutton is really awesome for a TV play-by-play guy.
  11. I'll be there. Skipping out of work early to go tailgate. Excellent. Go Marlins!
  12. I hope someone posts 4 times in this thread about how they don't like him.
  13. Lots of changes of sheets and clothes. Laundry gets expensive, so the less youhave to do the better. Buy everything in bulk, as well. Microwave, hot plate, foreman grill are all good.
  14. He's one of my favorite lyricists of all time.
  15. I'm Wide Awake It's Morning is one of my favorite albums of all time, and his other stuff ranges from good to great.
  16. No love for Brian May? He was all tone.
  17. Doug Davis was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer today. Damn, he's one of my favorite non-Marlins in all of baseball. Hope he recovers quickly.
  18. BAGIA is one of my favorite albums of the last 5 years. I think that's their best. But lyrically their first two albums are killer, more so even than BAGIA. Craig Finn writes some of the best one liners of all time, but the whole songs are great too. " She said 'It's good to see you back in a bar band, baby.' I said 'Its great to see you're still in the bars" Brilliant.
  19. That offense is going to be seriously one of the worst in the modern era. They were AWFUL with Bonds.
  20. Man, the Giants are going to be terrible this year. Historically so.
  21. "Pipes Of Peace" isn't one of McCartney's best songs, but it's a billion times better than "Wonderful Christmastime".
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