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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I'm expecting all kinds of drunken phone calls tomorrow night. Don't disappoint me, people.
  2. I took a wrong turn, etc, etc. I won't be able to make this, etc, etc.
  3. If I did Marlin Avatars, I'd begin with Chucky Carr. Cuz Chucky hacks on 2-0.
  4. I was joking. I'm not any of those things, except a bit of a nihilist. But I have a Pearl Jam poster on my wall.
  5. I'm the stereotypical nihilist college student. My world is full of despair and depression. I just haven't gotten around to hanging my Nietzche poster and painting my room black.
  6. Are the people you agree with ever wrong?
  7. The whole "nobody is wrong" thing is my bit. Get off my style, dogg.
  8. It is supposed to be playful, but if someone was really busting your balls, you would have problems with that person.
  9. King Arthur: I am your king. Woman: Well I didn't vote for you. King Arthur: You don't vote for kings. Woman: Well how'd you become king then? [Angelic music plays... ] King Arthur: The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur. THAT is why I am your king. Dennis: [interrupting] Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from so
  10. Well, I think I said that what you think he is lying about, was more of a you disagreeing with him, but I could be wrong. I say a lot of things. Either way, I agree with it, so what does it matter?
  11. Limiting amounts of times the manager could come to the mound was another. I want to say limiting the times a batter or pitcher could call time was also one of them. If I was at home, I'd just look it up. Unfortunately, no such luck.
  12. I don't think there is too much need for replay in baseball. I think it should be used at most once per day across the league. Bill James had some very interesting ideas to help the rhythm o the game in his historical abstract update from a few years back. If I can find it I'll post it. John Danks had a no-no through 6 today. Johnny Cueto has pitched 5 innings today and he is very good at pitching. 'Doh! One guy on my fantasy team takes another guy on my fantasy team deep to end the no-no.
  13. Well, I also believe in social darwinism, so maybe I'm wrong. Who knows. That's kind of my whole thing.
  14. Not so much when you are dealing with morality.
  15. I really don't get the hatred of Leiberman, but whatever. If he had never been a democrat, he would be a non-figure to most democrats. Both of those things have been done so much in the history of the world that it's hard to say they are universally considered wrong. At some point, we as a race have to start actually practicing what we preach, don't we? I'm not saying I don't think those things are wrong, but that doesn't mean they are for everyone. There are some who would argue that murder and war are natural outcomes of living in our society. I'm looking forward to the comments w
  16. Alright, they made the wrong call. It was a tough call to make, I don't think the 2B ump is really in any better position than anyone else to make that call. It could go either way, and the fact of the matter is they called it wrong. Isn't that what people love about baseball? The 'human' element of the umpire? They make mistakes, and all that. I'm personally all for some instant replay in baseball, but a lot of purists hate it.
  17. I understand all that, I just think it's sort of ridiculous to be complaining about this in this instance. The Marlins starter couldn't find the strike zone, the bullpen had pitched like 12 innings in the first 2 games, and even Beltran didn't think it was home run, as he pulled up at 2nd base before they called it a double. The umpires were signaling for a home run the entire time and he still pulled up. This is an instance where I'd like to see some instant replay, though. It was a tough call to make on the field, because Dolphin stadium has metal poles at the top of the wall and so when
  18. I have this thing where I have a real problem calling anyone wrong for their beliefs because I disagree with them. Sorry. There have been a lot of problems in this world from one person thinking they are "right" and the other being "wrong" and the "right" person having to take care of the person who is "wrong". That kind of zealotism doesn't appeal to me.
  19. Not really. But it is still a disagreement, inasmuch as there are people out there, like Leiberman, who think a policy of preemptive aggression is the correct way to deal with our foreign affairs. You disagree with him, yes. He isn't wrong. You are going to have a hell of a time convincing me any position on an issue is wrong, since their is no universal truth or morality. For my thoughts on this, see that Ryan Adams thread.
  20. That doesn't seem "wrong" to me. It seems like you disagree with him. There is a difference.
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