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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I haven't been able to get into any of his books since Lamb. Lamb is, however, the funniest book I've ever read, hands down. I've never laughed that hard out loud at a book.
  2. Him and Robin are the two least funny characters and they both make me laugh.
  3. Excellent. Aman, How I Met Your Mother is a very funny, smart sitcom. It's gone some of the 'typical' sitcom premises, but it's so much better than most sitcoms.
  4. How I Met Your Mother, and it was actually a very good episode. I'm very excited for Earl, but I'm going to have to go back and watch last week's first. The Office is exciting too, but no new Scrubs?
  5. The Marlins extend their division lead.
  6. Ugh, I could not get through Confederacy of Dunces. I thought he was simply the most obnoxious character I'd ever read... I've actually decided to save it until I'm done with class in a few weeks and instead am rereading This book blew my mind the first time I read it, and it did the same the second. I borrowed it from a friend to reread today, and I'm hoping it has a similar effect the third time around. It always leaves me feeling very odd, but also very focused and renewed.
  7. What is the lowest seeding to make a SC final? Didn't an 8 make it a few years back?
  8. He's a lefty, not a switch hitter, but I'm going to assume you meant he hits righties and lefties well. He's got a nice arm, but he sometimes has those mental lapses in the OF. He walked 111 times in one MiLB season, so he's got huge on base potential too.
  9. Plus it has, in my opinion, George's best solo.
  10. His second half last year was ridonkulous. I think it's entirely within the realm of possibility that he starts doing that yearly. He wasn't the top hitting prospect in baseball 3 years ago for nothing, and he's still just 24. So many (dumb) Marlins fans have written him off, it's incredible.
  11. The version on the original Let It Be album is one of my favorite recordings ever. When he hits the wrong chord in the last verse that is one of my favorite moments in music history.
  12. You should add Hermida to your all cute player team. In fact, everyone should add him to every team possible. Because he's going to be an all star very soon.
  13. Marlins had BP against the Nats in the last inning. Oh my, do I love Jeremy Hermida.
  14. One of my favorite live bands. So much fun. There were probably only about 500 people to see them at Langerado, unfortunately, but it was great anyways.
  15. I'll bet it just wasn't the same without me sitting next to you cracking terrible jokes while Jeff tried to play
  16. If you weren't a crazy religious fanatic hell bent on making sure same sex marriage never happens, I'd ask you to marry me for this line alone.
  17. I love how you paint yourself to be so enlightened and open minded and then you paint with such a broad fucking stroke regarding religion. The hypocrisy is so delicious, but there's just so much of it, I don't think I can have another bite...
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