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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I just love going through everyone's photos. For instance, have two cooler people ever been captured in a photo together?
  2. Well, I'm still undecided about climate change, and I'm almost 100% an atheist. Neither of the two have anything to do with anything. I still don't get how climate change became a left v right thing. I don't see how it naturally fits into either philosophical belief.
  3. Because it is a fucking personal belief that brings a lot of people a lot of joy. Can you please just shut the fuck up about it and stop questioning other peoplesbeliefs? God damn, man. What one person believes has nothing to do with your life, so just stop. Live and let live.
  4. What I love about Jack (and by extension, D) is his obvious love for music. He's a total music geek and it completely shines through in their music. He wears his influences on his sleeve and he's having a blast. He knows he couldn't make it as a "legitimate" musician, but he's having a ball pretending to be one anyways.
  5. Simon Pegg was a TV star? And what is "Stupid humor"?
  6. Yeah you can't talk about losing money then play Alaska.
  7. Cueto is sick. Not sure he can keep this up, but he's got filthy filthy stuff.
  8. The D is way funnier than FotC to me, mostly because they are more ridiculous. And because Jack Black is far and away the goofiest rock star ever. FotC is still pretty funny, though. "Part Time Model" makes me lol.
  9. Might be time to start panicking. But I'd say they are more likely to be 7-7 than 0-14.
  10. It's obvious that Ozzie was kidnapped and replaced with a Manny Acta clone. He's making way too much sense there.
  11. Ok. It doesn't mean 6 games tells you anything about the way a season is going to go.
  12. 6 games in? Doesn't matter.
  13. I'm just saying it's really funny how less than 2 months of ball can change things so drastically. He isn't the reaosn they are playing poorly, but he'll get the blame. That's baseball.
  14. Lol, in August of last year I'm pretty sure Willie was the consensus pick for MotY.
  15. "Members of 'Red Sox Nation'. Any country that they have gotten fan mail/e-mail and the like from over the past year." From another board. God, that's obnoxious...
  16. Something about Alex Rodriguez slapping the ball.
  17. I like to play coy. Then I'm going to assume they represent the countries of Red Sock world, in which case blah blah blah evil empire.
  18. I had no idea what they were about, I was just going by what Mr. Sir Stewart was saying. Thanks for making me look like a fool.
  19. I couldn't think of anything else. Blah blah blah bobbob hates the Red sox. It isn't Red Sox nation anymore, it's Red Sox world. Yeah, take that Yankees.
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