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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I think you are making it seem like I'm making a bigger deal about this than I was. I said one thing and he started antagonizing. I let it go. I'm over it. I'd prefer if people actually had some substance to their posts, and I suspect if it wasn't a thread about someone who is almost universally disliked on this board, there would be more people agreeing with me. Case in point, I had some nasty things said to me once because I said I didn't care that Dinosaur Jr were reuniting. I didn't say they sucked, or express any opinion about there music. Just said I didn't really care one way or the
  2. So you think it's cool to say "Jack Johnson blows" 4 times in the span of 25 posts and add nothing else to the conversation? I understand disagreeing, but be constructive about it. There's no point to posts like his, especially over and over. And I really don't feel like discussing it anymore, since that's exactly what this character wants.
  3. I don't think this hurts their chances. I think McCain would love to get even a little bit of the press they have right now. Both Obama and Clinton have out fundraised him in recent months.
  4. I've never once heard that song.
  5. I think Johnson is very average, but I also think his music's a lot more likeable than most of the average music out there. For instance, I've reviewed both his new album and Magnetic Fields' new album and I found them about similar in quality, but I've listened to Jack's a lot more because it's just easier to listen to. I think there's something very likable about his music that brings me back, even though I know it's not necessarily great music.
  6. I think Unbreakable is Shamalyan's best movie. I think it's a perfect way to make a comic book movie without a comic book. It's brilliant.
  7. I just think it's useless. I think it's useless when anyone goes into a thread about an artist for the sole purpose of slagging them. Yeah, it's a message board, but you know, saying you don't like him once is plenty. We get it, we are all very intelligent people here.
  8. Now I will proceed to say you suck 5 or 6 times over the course of this thread. Won't that be fun. Blah, whatever, you don't like him. Go post about someone you do like.
  9. Either way, following their track record, it's bound to be great. They haven't released an album that's not great yet.
  10. The first three songs on that DBT album are fucking boss. I haven't listened to the whole thing more than 5 times because I always just put those three on repeat.
  11. You're just a terrific addition to this site.
  12. Isn't Dykstra the one who thinks aliens are coming?
  13. Not sure what the point of all three of these posts is.
  14. For the record, I think he's more suited to play the 5:30 set at most of these festivals, but I don't necessarily have a problem with him headlining. I actually think he might close out Bonnaroo with a nice chill performance, which would be perfect.
  15. There's that whole thread about the subjective nature of music down there you could check out for my opinion, but instead I'll just say that I enjoy his music (more so than 90% of this board) and don't find it dull at all.
  16. His shows have a fair amount of energy from what I've seen. He's up there with a full band and they add a lot of swing.
  17. They finished recording it, I know that/
  18. "Mr. Brownstone" is what the Beatles would have sounded like if they sounded like Guns n Roses.
  19. I suppose it might make sense to let on that I have been accused of being a nihilist on more than one occasion.
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