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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. But I'm just a teenager, man. I don't know shit.
  2. Ok, fine. They are more popular than those bands. They still could never be called a "popular" band by any definition. They are still an extremely unknown band in the big scheme of things.
  3. There is no question in my mind that the Shins are more well known than Wilco. Anyone who saw Garden State knows the Shins.
  4. I'd still say they aren't as well known as any of those bands in the public opinion, except maybe Sonic Youth. The Arcade Fire were in every single magazine for like a year, the Shins were featured in a very popular movie, and the Flaming Lips have been in alot of commercials and "Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots" is a very well known song. Wilco is pretty big now, but your average person on the streets doesn't know them. I will say they are probably better known than Ryan Adams, but to compare Tweedy to Dylan and say they are highly influential is just wrong. They are like 86th on the lis
  5. More people know those bands than Wilco for sure.
  6. I'd just like to repeat that outside of this board, like nobody in the world even knows who Wilco is.
  7. Apparently the Marlins and Yankees are playing 2 games in Dolphins stadium as an exhibition. Weird. I do think that LA Colliseum game is going to be a lot of fun to watch. Would like to go.
  8. What does everyone think of Bright Eyes?
  9. I didn't realize Heartbreaker was considered Adams' best album. I'm slipping in my old age.
  10. J. Nickerson, this one's all you! I think the band should be sending you an award soon.
  11. Boy, there are some things being said in this thread.
  12. That doesn't make any sense for the Red Sox. Maybe it's just that I'm really sick and I haven't eaten in like a week, but my mind is having a lot of trouble figuring this out. So tomorrow is a regular season game, though?
  13. Is the Red Sox-Dodgers series an exhibition?
  14. True, but I feel like they seem like more of a band now. The first record feels like a side project, and this one feels like they are a fully committed band.
  15. You could say the same for 99% of the stuff posted on this board. Probably including that post.
  16. To who? The two hundred rock critics who will remember either one of them in 20 years?
  17. I read your post wrong, sorry. It's still early in the morning for me.
  18. Sure, there's the possibility of injury or decline, but with his past performance and skill set, Cabrera is just about as sure a thing as you're going to find in major league baseball right now. Cabrera really doesn't have any more of a chance of injury than anyone else in the league, so what you are saying is you should never sign a player to a long term deal? And I think if he's on the free market right now and teams are bidding for him, he signs for WAY more than 19 million a year.
  19. JOR is a pretty great multi-instrumentalist, but I don't think he's very good as a song writer.
  20. Ryan Adams is a wholly more talented song writer than O'Rourke.
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