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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. It's an argument of semantics more than anything, then. I think you can measure how good a player is (Their "greatness", in other words) by their stats, because stats are a representation of what occurs on the field.
  2. As a lifelong (ugh...) Dolphins fan, I can assure you Championships do not make a great player. Or else Dan Marino wouldn't be a great player, and I'm of the opinion he was in fact, the greatest QB ever.
  3. He's a number hungry, spoiled jerk? Ok, in baseball your "numbers" actually mean something. His 30-40 home runs actually count towards his teams run total. His .300 average helps his team win ball games. You're Tiger Woods (bad example, because he plays an individual sport and so he lives and dies on just himself), Michael Jordans, Larry Birds, etc. win championships because they are great players on good teams. I mean, John Salley won as many Championships as Bird, so is he as good a player? Championships do not make a great player. Great players are great with our without championships.
  4. If you look at it that way, giving a fuck about most things in the world is irrational. I mean, unless you are incredibly single minded about it, and only give a fuck about famine and 3rd world debt, it's hard to not give a fuck about things that don't matter. I say it's better to get all worked up about something like this than something like religion. With baseball rarely does anyone get offended.
  5. I definetly understand where it's all coming from, I just think it's highly irrational. I mean, I would take Arod on the Marlins right now, and not think twice about it, but I guess it's just a completely different thing. I just think people put way too much credence on what they percieve and not what actually happens. I think this is illustrated by the fact that Arod had a great year last year and they still booed him because the fans "saw" him choke in the clutch. But really he just happened to have some bad luck in the postseason. Because when a .300 hitter hits .071 for 14 at bats, le
  6. Well, what do you consider "coming through"? There is no set barometer for it, but I bet if he hits .700 in a 7 game series and drives in like 28 runs but strikes out with runners on 2nd and 3rd and 2 outs in the 9th inning of game 7 when down by 1 will he have "come through"? Or if he gets one hit in 7 games but it's a walk off home run to win the series, will that count? I don't think they'll be happy until he leaves town. There is an irrational hatred of him that doesn't really stem from anything.
  7. Jeter hit .200 and had a .566 OPS to Arod's .260 and .884. Alex produced pretty good numbers in that series, sure not HoF numbers, but he was probably the best hitter on the team during the series (just like he's the best hitter on the team during all series and seasons)
  8. Ditto. I mean, I remember that one time that Mariano Rivera was coming out to close a playoff game and Arod ran out to the outfield as Rivera was jogging in while "Enter Sandman" was playing and he drop kicked him in the face. It's like Arod wants to lose.
  9. I think it's stupid, but I know where you are coming from. Seriously, when A-rod gave up that walk off home run to Ortiz in the 04 LCS I was so mad, I was like "wtf alex, are u trying to give them the win lololo?" And then when he gave up 5.5 runs per game to the Tigers and made Giambi hit .125 I couldn't even believe it. It was like he was trying to lose.
  10. I'm not sure Arod complains about it all that much. And why are we even discussing this? He's leading the majors in pretty much every offensive category.
  11. And do you think any of this has to do with the fact that he's a Yankee and not a Red Sox (sock?). Since, you know, you are a Red Sox fan?
  12. If someone offered me 25 million dollars year I would turn it down because it would cheapen the integrity of the game. Definetly.
  13. Arod has been slightly below his career numbers for the postseason overall. But it's also an extremely small sample size to draw from, and that is what people seem to forget. Anything can happen in 14 at bats. The difference between .071 and .285 is 3 hits.
  14. Even though numerous people all over the internets, including here, have debunked the whole "clutch" thing and proven that Jeter is no more "clutch" than Arod and that Arod is just as "clutch" during the postseason as he is during the regular season? And even though "clutch" "clutch" "clutch" "clutch" small sample size "clutch" "clutch"?
  15. We are still doing this, huh?
  16. Downloaded the Live At Fingerlings EP today. Can't wait to listen.
  17. Yeah, and in the same report they said the Marlins made the most money of any team. So take that for what you will.
  18. Does Zumaya throw a splitter? Thats the only real explanation I can think for "feeling something pop" in the middle knuckle of his pitching hand. Unless he really messed up a slider.
  19. Clemens is a Yankee. And good strikeout pitchers + The Marlins lineup= Lots of strikeouts. We K way too much.
  20. Bad loss today. We gave that game away.
  21. um, if you guys who are saying he has lost it haven't heard "Chaos And Creation" then you need to listen to it. That album is phenomenal.
  22. This probably goes in the fantasy thread, but I read a really interesting article a few weeks back that argues that it isn't worth taking the top guys at scarce positions like pitcher or 2B because if they get injured it ruins your team. I believe Carpenter was the focus of the article. I have to try to find it.
  23. Chris Carpenter is having arthriscopic surgery and will be out for 3 months. Too bad...
  24. I've read Yesterday. I know Paul has a pretty big ego and all that, but I'm seriously wondering what publicity stunt he pulled for his last album? Or the one before that for that matter. I mean, it seems like people are going to hate Paul regardless of what he does, but he's certainly not alone in this. Ringo has to sign off on it, as does Yoko and George Harrison's estate. It's not like Paul can just shit on a disc and say it's the Beatles.
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