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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. You guys will probably take the next two games, but it's nice to see us grab a probable W in New York. But then, I think MLB needs to make a rule that when Chan Ho Park or Jose Lima makes a start, the game shouldn't count. It's not fair to anyone.
  2. I know it's still only the 4th inning, and it's against Chan Ho Park, but: I love to see us beat up on the Mets. I hope this post doesn't come back to haunt me.
  3. Yeah, Jeff's picture on the inside is great.
  4. I just think you are making e-mountains out of e-molehills. I know I sound like a broken record here, but IT'S THE FUCKING INTERNETS.
  5. Whatever, dude. Keep fighting the good fight, then, brother.
  6. Again, dude. It's the internet. If he worked in the cubicle next to your, or you guys shared a fry machine fine I could see continuing it, but ITS THE INTERNET! Let it go. It's not worth it. You're going to end up being "that guy". And nobody likes "that guy".
  7. Seriously, though. It's the internets. Stop holding a grudge. Are you going to make snide comments everytime you see him post? It's a bit that is going to get old very, very, very, quickly.
  8. I'm still really mad about this. The hurt is too deep to forgive, I think.
  9. What are you, like 5 years old? Drop it.
  10. Jen and Chris (one of them, anyways) providing the backing vocals. :rock
  11. I still kind of think if the Heat had been full strength we would've won, but no use crying over spilled milk. I'm pulling for Golden State from here on out. If only because Baron Davis looks exactly like Kanye West, and I'm hoping Kanye makes a Baron Davis reference on his new cd.
  12. lololozlozlzolzolzozlololozlololololzolzololzolzozl Good bit, dude.
  13. Probably 1998, the last time the Bulls won a series (is my info correct? Has it been that long?)
  14. I think the Pistons will win in 6. But I hope they sweep them. Thats right, I'm rooting for the Pistons, bitches. Though, truth be told, I want Golden State to win the whole damn thing.
  15. Ninjas E. Liverwurst is caliber66!
  16. I'm just going to say that it's probably best to let it go. Let's discuss how good this song is. Doesn't make me think of The Soft Bulletin as much as it does "My Cosmic Autumn Rebellion" from Mystics, which was probably my favorite song on there. This song makes me happy. Flaming Lips + Spiderman= awesome.
  17. That's really sad, he's so young. Hate to see a player pass during the season. It makes playing the game seem so trivial. In less sad news, Troy Tulowitzki had a sweet unassisted Triple Play today.
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