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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. OMG Carlos is coming?? UNBELIEVABLE!!
  2. I'm not sure I ever said he deserved to die. But I'm absolutely not sad about it, and the world is a better place with one less douchebag preaching to millions of people.
  3. Definetly. Not even a question in my mind about who it is. I can't wait until he posts his version of SBS. Fingers crossed for a "What Light" orchestral reprise.
  4. So it's the difference between a great ground breaking hard rock song and a great rock song?
  5. Basically my hatred of Falwell stems from the fact that ever since I was young(er) all I ever heard him say was hateful things in the name of Christ, and mostly against homosexuals and women. As an 11 year old going through something of a crisis of faith (I didn't know if I believed in God or not, and it scared the hell out of me) I've got one of the most vocal christians in the world telling me that everything I'm supposed to believe based on the religion I was raised as goes absolutely against everything I stood for and still do stand for. Couple that with the fact that I have 3 gay uncles (
  6. I'm not saying I want to fuck his eye socket. But someone should.
  7. Jerry Falwell's brand of hateful rhetoric wasn't aimed at one person. He aimed it at entire groups of people. I say it's fine to be hateful towards him. Not towards all fat, rich, greedy, offensive christian leaders, just him.
  8. I downloaded the New Linkin Park album the other day because I used to like them in middle school, and it's awful. Just atrocious.
  9. I meant it in the past tense, of course.
  10. "I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.'" Fuck Jerry Falwell right in his stupid fucking face.
  12. This is about Jerry Falwell, not Harry Potter. Take it somewhere else, nerd.
  13. My local Barnes and Noble had 6 copies of the DVD version (5 after I got mine) and 5 copies of the regular version. There were more copies of this than the new Linkin Park album. That's encouraging.
  14. I went with the Bonus DVD thingy. It's a great watch. They will probably be up for best packaging again at the Grammy's. This is a good 'un.
  15. This is so good. I'm really excited for everyone else to be able to hear it.
  16. I'm going to stop myself from saying what I really feel about this guy for fear that everyone on the board will consider me a huge asshole, so I'll just say good riddance and leave it at that.
  17. None of Joe Borchard's k's are any more exciting than the other. Every missed swing leaves the stadium buzzing with palpable excitement.
  18. Yeah, but like 10,000 8 year olds saw 8 innings with like 4 total hits, so that was cool.
  19. Guys, I am seriously so mad at Pitchfork. I can't believe this.
  20. I was wondering aloud to myself the other day as I drove past the mailman if JorgeFabregraham ever got that mailman job. Did he?
  21. I was just wondering the other day where you had gone to. It seems like you've been here the whole time.
  22. Are you the former Big Bank Hank?
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