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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. The Marlins game isn't on tv tonight. I wasn't going to watch it due to the office and scrubs, but still....
  2. BANNERATED Edited so I don't taint the world with that picture again...
  3. What? I mean, really. What? Are you even speaking english? I don't understand that last bit. For the record, she's an 18 year old high school senior who is like the top pole (snicker) vaulter in the country. She's going to UC-Berkley next year.
  4. What? See what I did there?
  5. I have to say, I find the lyrics to be somewhat lacking. Overall they are pretty good, but everyonce in a while I'll hear something that just makes me go "What?"
  6. Man, that sucks. I wish they were for a game the Mets were gonna win. His changeup is just filthy, filthy, filthy. It's like, Johan-esque.
  7. I'm not sure if it's the best album of the year by far, but it's solid.
  8. A bunch of loser, stoner, hippies who hate America.
  9. Shut it, hippy. Take that opinion crap and shove it up your ass.
  10. You're use of blah blah really gets your blah blah blah blah.
  11. Do what I do. Stop functioning as a human being for 24 hours and read it then. Do not put the book down for anything. I find it works pretty well.
  12. Dude, seriously, go fuck yourself. It's pretty obvious to everyone here that you are only going to be here for today and then you'll disapear so why even bother? Just to get people worked up? You are a troll, and unfortunately, we are feeding you. Sky Blue Sky is awful. But it's also great. And I like it. But I hate it. And it leaves me feelinghappy inside. And it makes me want to hurt someone. And I don't have an opinion on it. Why do the assholes crawl out evertime a new album comes out?
  13. I'm more angry at Comcast digital cable than I am at TheShua, ChooChooCharlie, or even Jerry Falwell right now. I set my DVR to record Letterman, and everything's running smoothly. I sit down to watch it a few minutes ago and what happens? 80 seconds into What Light, it says "Recording over:Would you like to delete recording?" FUCK! Guess I'll have to wait the 12 hours for it to go up on Youtube. The suspense is killing me. I need to know if Jay Farrar came on stage and draped Jeff with a velvet cape or not...
  14. Thats the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me :wub
  15. There's a video clip of Duncan and Parker stepping off of the bench after a foul earlier in the game...
  16. If that ship sinking is in response to Sergio Mitre and his sick sinker then I concur.
  17. Exactly. Some random asshat on a message board saying Jerry Falwell was an asshole is the same aa multimillionare preacher who got constant media coverage saying MLK was ingenuine in his quest for equality. Or that Gays, women and the ACLU are the reason crazy jihadist's from Saudi Arabia attacked America.
  18. I basically agree with Rain. I know personally that I don't feel like me saying "Good riddance" is indecent as, say, saying this about MLK Jr: "I do question the sincerity and non-violent intentions of some civil rights leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Mr. James Farmer, and others, who are known to have left-wing associations." The guy had zero redeeming qualities and I feel no remorse saying the same things about him in death as I said about him in life.
  19. "Meaning An expression of pleasure on being rid of some annoyance - usually an individual. Melodramatic song by the pop/punk group Green Day." I guess you are right... I have been waiting weeks for him to die. Ask Reni. I imed her just the other day saying "I can't wait until Jerry Falwell dies so I can post about it on the internets".
  20. I'll give you a dollar if you change your screen name to "VC's Bidet."
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