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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. My head to head team is 1-1 so far this season. But we've looked much better this week, and Derek Lee looks like he's coming around. 2 steals today. Nice.
  2. Boy I hope Wade is 100%. If he is I still like our chances.
  3. FSU just sent out an email to their students asking them to register their cell phone numbers in a database so they can t mass text or call them in the event of an emergency on campus.
  4. Yeah, we do but since he's not here there's not much we can do about it. We've told our RA's about all of this but there' not much they can do. College's hands are really tied when it comes to security. The problem is they give us so much freedom and so stuff like this can happen if there are idiots in the dorms, which unfortunately there are.
  5. I'm seriously worried that there might be some shit going down in my room in the next few days and I'm thinking about either heading home or staying in some friends rooms until this all dies down. I'll make the decision once my suitemate actually comes back... I never thought college would be like this, and it probably isn't but what with the stuff in VT, I'm probably being a bit paranoid...
  6. "A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved."
  7. My thoughts are with you and your friends at school. As a student at a major university, I can't even begin to imagine how terrifying this must've been for you.
  8. The first thing I did when I heard about this was check my friend up at VT's facebook to see if I could check up on her. SHe's alright. This is awful. Security on college campuses is a joke, really. Down here at FIU we have 3 cops on duty at all times. For a school of 30,000 people. What really scares me is that on saturday someone broke into my room and stole my laptop. Imagine if they had done it with the intent to harm me and I was in there...
  9. . If you read that sentence again: 'The Yankees exiled Alfonso Soriano, a homegrown star, to get him, and he was tagged a soft pretender last year, not a true Yankee" you will note that "he was tagged" is a bit of a confusing, dangling modifier type deal, since one could conclude that the antecedent of "he" is Soriano. I would suggest this rewrite: "In a stunningly brilliant coup by GM Brian Cashman, the Yankees traded Alfonso Soriano, an overrated star,and a bunch of other garbage, and landed a sure Hall of Famer in Alex Rodriguez. But some Yankee fans did not take to Rodriguez right away,
  10. My team has zero home runs this week. 0. Zero. Nada. And yet, I'm winning so far this week because we're doing everything else right (though my opponent's ERA is like 1.3 and his whip is .7, so I'm losing those two.)
  11. He played a bit of "Hate It Here" at the LRS, so I suppose we saw the debut of that one.
  12. Barry Bonds punished them for those heinous unis. Nice game by the Fish tonight! Dontrelle has the 2nd best winning percentage all time in April, bested only by Babe Ruth. Nice.
  13. The Atlanta show is still on! Sweet. And the National are pretty good, I've listened to Boxer some in the past few days. This should be well worth the 12 hour drive each way...
  14. So what you like about Wilco is that they don't sound like anyone else, except when they do sound like other bands? I read an article that described "Hate It Here" as being Badfinger-esque, which I can definetly see.
  15. There was no evidence though. All of the DNA evidence said that the three accused weren't involved and the prosecutor still went after it. (*I'm going off memory, I may be wrong, but I'm almost positive there was very little if not no evidence for the case)
  16. How is "beatle-esque" possibly bad, though?
  17. As an upper middle class half white dude, I can feel for the plight of the rich white dudes, even if they don't consider me one of their own.
  18. What does their race have to do with it? Honestly, the only thing their race had to do with it is that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton used it as yet another reason for them to run their mouths about an issue they have no reason to talk about. This whole thing was just an example of the prosecutor wanting to "make an example" of a couple of kids who didn't do anything wrong, other than being stupid enough to be in that situation at all. The prosecutor had it out for them for the same reason you seem to; they are rich white people (OMG THE WORST THING EVER). Here's a little thing about the w
  19. Well, 2 of them dropped out of school (or were they suspended?) and I'm sure they can't live in that town anymore, because in our society a rape accusation is as good as a conviction in many people's minds.
  20. Well when you put it that way. You can't just make statements like the one you did and then not defend it. What's your reasoning behind it? They hired a stripper for a party; not an illegal action. The stripper then decided to accuse them of rape. There's a serious misstep in logic between wanting to see naked boobies and having your life ruined in a very public rape trial where you were completely and totally guilty.
  21. Come one, man. You are smarter than that. That's complete bullshit, dude. They're lives are ruined now because of this and you say they deserve it? This whole thing was a bullshit witch hunt from the beginning.
  22. I've never heard the horns version of this...
  23. I loved the clip from the Daily Show where they showed Imus talking to Al Sharpton and the congresswoman, and Imus said "I'm not gonna let you people drag me down" or something and Sharpton actually went to the high school remark "Wait, wait wait, what do you mean "you people"?" Sharpton and Jackson are jokes.
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